Gefunden: 68

CIV5 Duel League finished

Congratulations Kyp Durron!

2011-04-29 11:50:17| Geschrieben von MARKYMARK

The first Civ5 duell league season has ended timely to eastern.
After 33 sessions Kyp Durron has won this 1. season!
He'll get the Civ5 Special Edition sent as a price.

6 victories mean 18 points for him, no one else could reach this amount..
On the following places are Muffinman, Artaleon and ANTARION with each 5 victories!
Find here the overview over the Civ5 duell league, to which 33 players joined.
Thanks for all who participated, especially Muffinman, Frozen and Napoleon for organization!

If you have further interest in the league, then please gift us some activity.
Currently it is sadly not sure if the league will continue in its present form.
Many things will probably somewhen regulated by a probable multiplayer patch, but a bitter aftertaste will stay.
In any case we would be happy, if somewhen a second season of the duell league could get organized!

We wish you all successful civing!

Your team

Links zum Thema

Forum | Download

TS3 Server verfügbar / available

2011-04-01 22:26:13| Geschrieben von MARKYMARK

Gute Nachrichten, jemand von unserer Partner Seite stellt uns ein TS Server zur Verfügung, den wir mitnutzen können:

TS3 Server ->
von unseren Partner feedfreakz!

Somit können wir unsere Ligaspiele wieder mit TS begleiten!

Duel League R9: Today (Not forgot)

Please Check up Roster!

2011-02-18 12:05:05| Geschrieben von MARKYMARK

Today like every week start new Round (9)!

Checkup Roster here for League I

Checkup Roster here for League 2

Links zum Thema

Forum | Download

Duel League: Second Leg

with round 8 the second Leg is started!

2011-02-11 17:47:44| Geschrieben von MARKYMARK

Hello Duel-players,

now the second leg is starting. (Today 8pm german time -> Meetpoing Chat)
~~~League I~~~
Round 8 (Leading Antarion 5 vics)
Game#29 'ERNIBERT' schlägt 'viktorianer'
Game#30 'Nutella67' vs 'ANTARION'
Game#31 'MARKYMARK' vs 'Iron Blade'
Game#32 'Soranlar' vs 'ymaschmidt'

~~~League II~~~~

Round8 (Leading Artaleon / Kyp Durron 5 Vics)
Game#29 'Ironwood' schlägt 'Fred-fr'
Game#30 'Kyp Durron' vs 'RonaldLambert'
Game#31 'Killcool' vs 'schlesieraxel'
Game#32 'Patrick_Ziegler' vs 'Artaleon'

We are very excited which player goes in leading with a sixth vic (18 points)

your Team

Links zum Thema

Forum | Download

Duel League: R 7

This weekend is the last round for the first run! Search your games! (check old please too)

2011-02-04 10:16:50| Geschrieben von MARKYMARK

Now the new Round:
Round7 Group 1
Game#25 'viktorianer' vs 'Soranlar'
Game#26 'ERNIBERT' vs 'Nutella67'
Game#27 'ANTARION' schlägt 'MARKYMARK'
Game#28 'Iron Blade' vs 'ymaschmidt'

Round7 Group 2
Game#25 'Fred-fr' vs 'Patrick_Ziegler'
Game#26 'Ironwood' vs 'Kyp Durron'
Game#27 'RonaldLambert' vs 'Killcool'
Game#28 'Artaleon' schlägt 'schlesieraxel'

Hope for good games!

Links zum Thema

Forum | Download

Round 6 Matches

Starting this weekend (28.1)

2011-01-28 11:42:56| Geschrieben von MARKYMARK

Round 6 Matches starting this weekend (28.1)

Here we go:

League I

Game#21 'viktorianer' vs 'Nutella67'
Game#23 'ANTARION' vs 'ymaschmidt'
Game#24 'Iron Blade' vs 'Soranlar'

League II

Game#21 'Kyp Durron' schlägt 'Fred-fr'
Game#22 'Ironwood' vs 'Killcool'
Game#23 'RonaldLambert' vs 'Artaleon'
Game#24 'schlesieraxel' vs 'Patrick_Ziegler'

We meet us on Steam on 8 pm Friday.

Hope for good games

Round 5 News

last week 3 Games played, please check too your open games!

2011-01-21 15:51:59| Geschrieben von MARKYMARK

Antarion and Artaleon / Kyp rocks the league since now! We hope for more game....

Not Forgot to play too this round:

Game#17 'viktorianer' vs 'MARKYMARK'
Game#18 'ERNIBERT' vs 'ymaschmidt'
Game#19 'ANTARION' vs 'Iron Blade'
Game#20 'Nutella67' vs 'Soranlar'

Game#17 'Fred-fr' vs 'Killcool'
Game#18 'Artaleon' schlägt 'Ironwood'
Game#19 'RonaldLambert' vs 'schlesieraxel'
Game#20 'Kyp Durron' vs 'Patrick_Ziegler'

Best regards,
your my-league-Team

Duel-League Round4

Round 4 on fr, 14

2011-01-13 09:14:08| Geschrieben von MARKYMARK


meetpoint is friday again on the steam chat:

League I
Runde 4 Spiele
Game#13 'viktorianer' vs 'ymaschmidt'
Game#15 'ANTARION' vs 'Soranlar'
Game#16 'MARKYMARK' vs 'Nutella67'

League II
Runde 4 Spiele
Game#13 'Fred-fr' vs 'Artaleon'
Game#14 'Ironwood' vs 'schlesieraxel'
Game#15 'RonaldLambert' vs 'Patrick_Ziegler'
Game#16 'Killcool' vs 'Kyp Durron'

Please contact your player in Steam or here on (messenger).

Hope for good games!

your team

Duel de la Ligue

Duel de la Ligue : éveillé

2011-01-07 11:50:41| Geschrieben von MARKYMARK

Bonne année à tous!

Je me réjouis de vous souhaiter la bienvenue dans cette année qui sera de nouveau remplie de parties passionnantes!
Veuillez vérifier quels adversaires sont encore à jouer dans les 3 premiers tours et contactez votre adversaire du tour 4!

Voir : I ==>

et II ==>

Votre équipe vous souhaite bien du plaisir!

Duel League awaken

soon we play next rounds!

2011-01-07 11:10:43| Geschrieben von MARKYMARK

Happy new year all together!

I'm happy to welcome you to a new year of interesting and hopefully also excting games.
Please check, with which opponents you still have to play a game in the first 3 rounds and please contact your opponent for round 4 (and the remaing ones)

Please see here I ==>

Please see here II ==> />
We wish you much fun, your Team

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