

Last seen:

3 months ago

Player's team:

Did not join any team

No games in any league up until now

Statistics for league Age of Wonders: Planetfall:

League active since (- until): (League currently active)


Wins: Losses: Draws (no winner):

First match: Last match:

Opponents defeated: Losses against opponents:

No results

smile blink applause laugh kiss makenoise frown no annoy mad provoke bushwa <smiletext13> <smiletext14> <smiletext15> <smiletext16> <smiletext17> <smiletext18> <smiletext19> <smiletext20> <smiletext21> <smiletext22> <smiletext23> <smiletext24>

No achievements yet

Gender: Male
Time zone: UTC
g4l.eu language setting: Deutsch
Last action at: 2024-06-25 17:03:44
Contact   @ 
Hobbies:I´m NOT play CHAMPIONCHIP WTF!!!! OMFG, me and Saint MUST WORK @this fkn DAY (T_T) YouTube-User: MgoGHOSTREAVER
Age & birthday date: 44 | 1980-07-18
Latest visitors: (CoP) Mr.DOX
Ghost Whisperer