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Overview 2022 PBEM Tournament Player Pool | PBEM | (Free slots)

Recommended turn order based on play times:

myl_supporter 22:00-4:00 | Zytozid 18:00-23:00 | Dagoth_Ur 18:00-22:00 | orlyzzz 18:00-22:00 | xlnt 18:00-22:00 | Fluksen 18:00-22:00 | Bethrezen 18:00-22:00 | Nemesis_Zero 18:00-23:00 | Melciar 17:00-21:00 | badborre 18:00-22:00 | Castaneda 18:00-22:00 | Sjow 18:00-22:00 | marcuspers 20:00-22:00 | BLACKCAT 19:00-23:00 | Longinus 19:00-22:00 | rickyroo222 19:00-6:00 | Voltoir 19:00-23:00 | Nazo 19:00-23:00 | Akinos 19:00-23:00 | Archer01 19:00-23:00 | Goh12 19:00-23:00 | Wodokan 19:00-23:00 | DiaEmperador 19:00-23:00 | sswdidi 19:00-20:00 | SpiritSeeker 19:00-23:00 | mhved 19:00-23:00 | KaZoR 19:00-23:00 | Eliomephijas 19:00-23:00 | phirpo 19:00-23:00 | Refineus 17:00-23:00 | Hive_Mind101 20:00-0:00 | masterboja 20:00-0:00 | Boze 20:00-0:00 | Kelda 20:00-0:00 | Sbiht 20:00-23:00 | Jed beans 20:00-0:00 | Kruel 20:00-2:00 | Vince777 20:00-0:00 | Lord_Dvorak 20:00-0:00 | RedChameleon 20:00-0:00 | BBB 20:00-0:00 | embahr 20:00-0:00 | ehall20 21:00-3:00 | Hiliadan 22:00-23:00 | Gilafron 22:00-3:00 | quetzal_tr 21:00-2:00 | cbower 0:00-5:00 | Henrysix 0:00-14:00 | Olop 0:00-6:00 | MrRoivas 1:00-5:00 | Pobez 1:00-5:00 | DrLight 1:00-5:00 | Cat and Cat and Pat 1:00-5:00 | Swishtail 2:00-6:00 | Helaio 2:00-6:00 | Jundland Banshee 3:00-7:00 | nidsfar11 4:00-8:00 | redrum68 4:00-6:00 | Ix329 4:00-8:00 | Minerva Madin 4:00-8:00 | Dev 4:00-8:00 | jabst 4:00-8:00 | NobCob 4:00-8:00 | DarkRider 4:00-8:00 | AnarchCassius 4:00-8:00 | Loki44 5:00-8:00 | DreadReapr 22:00-22:00 | gabthegab 4:00-21:00 | Retromancer 7:00-23:00 | Warlord Keldon 7:00-23:00 | Fistandantilus 7:00-3:00 | Lightform 8:00-12:00 | CiceroSUN 8:00-12:00 | chiveicrook 9:00-22:00 | mahimka 10:00-20:00 | rrrrookie 13:00-14:00 | Jean_de_Metz 12:00-19:00 | Skuns453Lirik902 14:00-18:00 | Saunatonttu 16:00-23:00 | Jonny Thunder 15:00-19:00 | SleepingDog 15:00-19:00 | keika 15:00-18:00 | HellBrick 16:00-20:00 | batbl4 17:00-21:00 | MARKYMARK 18:00-0:00 | Moridin 17:00-21:00 | Ezekiel 17:00-22:00 | Badok 17:00-23:00 | Lck 17:00-23:00 | personian 17:00-6:00 | Thorgal 18:00-22:00 | El_Lobo 18:00-23:00 | Aureliano90 17:00-23:00 | JohnnyDown 3:00-7:00 | Blad_ua 18:00-22:00 | DacrioS 17:00-19:00 | Aim 9:00-21:00

I would like to


Organisator: myl_supporter | Joined so far: 97 | unlimited

The Championsleague is ongoing and its season 2 is starting in April 2022.

The 2019 PBEM Duel Tournament is finished.

== Archive of old tournaments (please also check the Hall of Fame): ==

Published on Mon, 24 Jul 2017 14:18:52 +0200
System notification

Information 2017 PBEM Tournament Player Pool
Tasslehoff quitted!

Published on Mon, 24 Jul 2017 14:17:56 +0200

Shouldn't the cap lvl be lvl14 then?

Published on Mon, 24 Jul 2017 13:40:04 +0200

To AlX
If I'm not mistaken exactly that was the reason of max. 13 lvl for Duel Tourney - to avoid that one of the players reached 15-th level and got addition skills from the Empire Quest 

Published on Mon, 24 Jul 2017 13:34:16 +0200

Hi all, 

just wanted to confirm with the judges - was there any particular reason why the lvl 13 was selected as hero/leader cap?
I am asking because it excludes the EQ - heroic skill

Published on Sat, 22 Jul 2017 06:39:06 +0200

== 2017 PBEM Duel Tournament ==
Still 3 matches ongoing, round 4 is likely to start at the end of round 3's deadline (which you can see with the countdown on the page of the tournament: https://www.the-battlefield.c... i.e. in 41 days.
Please start thinking about your class/race! <smiletext0> You can send it to the judges you don't play against: Fistandantilus, Marcuspers and me.
Zaskow told me v1.22 should be ready for the beta branch of the balance mod this week end. If it is the case, we should use it for round 4. To be confirmed tomorrow...

== PBEM 2vs2 Team Tournament ==
About 23 days left before the end of round.

== Misc ==
Check out the latest news article on the Battlefield: The AoW3 community more active than ever! Tournaments, AoW3 Veterans, polls

== Balance ==
These changes will be confirmed for v1.23 if there is no more feedback:
Ghouling Strike has strength 8 (was 9)

Storm Magic is T5 (was T6).

Dirty Half Dozen costs 3 upgrade points (UP) (was 4)
Infiltration Squad gives Improved Wall Climbing (was Wall Climbing)
Chaplain costs 4 UP (was 3)
Pest Control Squad costs 4 UP (was 5)
Charge Command costs 4 UP (was 5)
Fleet Command gives Fast Embark and Mariner (was Mariner)
Holy Champion costs 4 UP (was 5)
Nature’s Resistance costs 4 UP (was 3)

Energy Drain has a physical strength 10 (was spirit strength 10)

These changes need more feedback:
Tropical Empire gives Inflict Scorched Heat to allied units in your domain (was Inflict Immolation)

Forbidden Sanctum's batte enchantment is Mass Bless / Mass Curse and Shock Missile cast every turn on a random enemy unit

Ghouling Strike does not give any damage bonus (was +5 physical, +5 blight)

Published on Thu, 20 Jul 2017 10:55:42 +0200


so when does the next round of the 1v1 tournament starts?

Published on Sun, 16 Jul 2017 18:49:06 +0200

== PBEM 2vs2 Team Tournament ==
We confirm that v1.22 will NOT be used for round 5 as it will not be ready in time.

One of the two match ended so only 1 match left, but it will probably need the full 28 days to end.
We discussed between judges for the 2vs2 Tournament and concluded that for this round and for this tournament, if the game is not finished by the deadline, then the winner would be decided by comparing in this order: 1/ the combined total (general) score of living players of each team, 2/ the combined military scores of living players of each team, 3/ the combined domain scores of living players of each team. If no team has a clear superiority (not just 1 point more; clear superiority is assessed by the judges) in any of these, then the team with the highest combined total (general) score of living players win (same as 1/ but without need for "clear superiority"). No system is perfect but we need to choose one and we considered this one to be best to indicate which team has the highest chances to win the match if it were to continue.
== 2017 PBEM Duel Tournament ==
We are still hoping to use v1.22 for round 4. To be confirmed in about 2 weeks (I think we need at least 30 days to test v1.22 on the beta branch).

I did a rapid analysis of the results of the 2017 PBEM Duel Tournament up to last week and AlX provided good additional comments, check it out: 2017 PBEM Duel Tournament – stats and results. Discussions of the analysis more than welcome on that topic on the official forum! <smiletext0>

Published on Tue, 11 Jul 2017 10:53:13 +0200
System notification

Information 2017 PBEM Tournament Player Pool
Saunatonttu joined !!

Published on Sun, 09 Jul 2017 15:13:07 +0200

== 2017 PBEM Duel Tournament ==
6 games are still ongoing and about 54 days are left until the end of the round. I expect the round to finish sooner than that but I am not really clear about the turn reached in all games so the full 54 days may be necessary.
Please note that: 1/ the winner bracket will not play in round 4, but only in round 5, so they will have to wait about 2 months for their next match, and 2/ round 4 should be played with v1.22 of the balance mod, but if we can't get it at least 30 days before the next round, it will be played with v1.21 because we won't have enough time to test it.

== PBEM 2vs2 Team Tournament ==
The 2 games are still ongoing and at least one is progressing very slowly so it is almost sure the round will last for its full 36 more days. It now seems unlikely that we will be able to use v1.22 for round 5 (see above), to be confirmed in about a week.

== Misc ==
We have some new videos of round 3 of the Duel Tournament:

Hiliadan (Goblin AD) vs chiveicrook (Dwarf Theocrat)

  • Marcuspers (Frostling Sorcerer) vs Melciar (Goblin Necromancer)

I also strongly recommend watching the video below. It's a demo of the new game mode we're trying to develop for AoW3. It will be a new way to play AoW3, different from Single Player, PBEM or classical live MP. The idea is to allow the set up of two armies of about 18 units each in a very short time and then launch the tactical battle immediately. The strategic part is thus completely skipped. This new way of playing aims to allow rich tactical battles between human players for people with limited time: a battle from set up to completion needs only about 30-60 minutes.
AbedNego (Dwarf Necromancer) vs Nemesis Zero (Shadow Elf Theocrat), commented by Marcuspers:

There is also another video but the fight is less interesting:
AbedNego (Dwarf Sorcerer) vs Nemesis Zero (Draconian Necromancer)

== Balance ==
These changes need more feedback from everyone, as they may be integrated in the balance mod, v1.23:
Stiffen Limb has a strength 13 Spirit check and cost 8 CP. If it fails, its target gets -12 MP for one turn (was no attack check and 7 CP).

Ghouling Strike does not give any damage bonus (was +5 physical, +5 blight)

Ghouling Strike has strength 8 (was 9)

Whispers of the Fallen is Tier 2 and costs 120 RP (was Tier 1 and 60 RP)

Storm Magic is T5 (was T6).

Published on Sun, 02 Jul 2017 12:59:58 +0200

New game is hosted!
Tournament practice game, dont mind keeping the game unreported to avoid disclosing information for round 4 of the tournament, but can also be reported but after turn 4 of tournament is started. 

Published on Mon, 12 Jun 2017 06:21:57 +0200

== 2017 PBEM Duel Tournament ==
Only 2 matches haven't started yet but they're in good way to start soon.

== PBEM 2vs2 Team Tournament ==
We discussed between judges and agreed on a 1 month extension for round 4 because of the summer holidays period. Sorry for the teams in the winner bracket (sorry SeeR, I said the date would not change but it did...) but we estimated it was better that way to hopefully have time to finish the matches. We strongly encourage all players involved to play their tournament game in priority before all other games, to make sure we do not have to end games by score.

== Balance ==
Zaskow is still working on v1.22, which is about 10 days late now, but hopefully it will be ready soon.

== Misc ==
Only 10 people voted in the poll How best to balance all heroes and their abilities and also make them more interesting? (multiple answers possible. We need more votes to know what the community wants to Make all heroes and their abilities more interesting (e.g. boost Dreadnought’s late game abilities)" as many people wished in the previous poll on "balance directions".

A big event is planned on the Battlefield's chat soon. In order to choose the date (21, 24 or 25 June), please fill the following Doodle: />I hope to slim down the number of options to 3 by tomorrow and then choose the date and time as soon as possible. The event will involve:
- a live chat with the team of volunteers developing the Shadow Realm expansion (Gloweye, Draxynic, Dr_K, Bob, lordoflinks, Bagas, Hiliadan + vfxrob, Charlatan)
- live stream of gameplay with Q&A to showcase the current status of the expansion
- PvP tactical battles on the Arena map (still looking for volunteers to play during the event + a commentator would be great, it seems SeeR won't be available)
- release of PvE training videos against high level sites, links to existing videos, guides, etc.

Published on Sun, 04 Jun 2017 18:09:14 +0200

== 2017 PBEM Duel Tournament ==
When your match starts, please update its status on the game blog (through the drop-down menu) to "Ongoing" so that we can follow the progress of each match more easily.
As far as I know, 1 match has already finished, 3 matches haven't started yet as the class/race of some players have not yet been sent/the games haven't been hosted yet and the rest of matches have started or are about to start.
So for all those who haven't hosted or sent their class/race yet, please do it ASAP! <smiletext0>

== Misc ==
A new poll has been launched to help choose how best to "Make all heroes and their abilities more interesting (e.g. boost Dreadnought’s late game abilities)" as many people wished in the previous poll on "balance directions". Please vote if you haven't: How best to balance all heroes and their abilities and also make them more interesting? (multiple answers possible)

I finished uploading the videos of rickyroo and I's game on round 3 of the 2vs2 Team Tournament vs Jonny Thunder and rrrrrookie, you can find the playlist on YouTube (and a description of the highlights of the game on this post on the Steam forum).

Published on Wed, 31 May 2017 10:01:34 +0200

== 2017 PBEM Duel Tournament ==
Round 3 has started today and will last 3 months (I'll update the countdown later)! You can check the roster here: https://www.the-battlefield.c... />Please send your class/race to judges (Fistandantilus, Marcuspers and me) if you haven't yet. For the opponents of Marcus and I, of course, don't send it to us!
For the hosts (on top in the roster's page and on the left in the game blog), please host the games with the main branch of the balance mod ( and post screenshots of the settings in windowed mode on your game blogs.

Thanks to the following players who already sent their class/race:

Published on Sat, 27 May 2017 16:02:35 +0200

== 2017 PBEM Duel Tournament ==
Round 3 will start in about 3.5 days, on 2017-05-31 9:19 AM GMT. One match is still ongoing (Gilafron vs xlnt) and it may be extended by 1 month through a replay on a new map, but all the matches from round 3 except #37 will be generated on the 31st nonetheless.
DreadReapr won his match and Melciar also won his. They haven't reported yet but their opponent in round 3 can anticipate their match against them.

We received about 5 class/race so far (including from the 2 judges involved in the tournament: Marcuspers and I), so @the 11 other players (-2 for the match that may be delayed): please send your class/race to judges as soon as possible so that all round 3 matches can start without delay.

Round 3 will last 3 months to take into account the summer holidays (= there is a 1 month extension).
Reminder: round 3 will be played on the main branch ( of the balance mod with v1.21 of the mod. Round 4 will be played with v1.22 of the mod.

== Balance ==
You can find the changelog of v1.22 here: It should be released on the beta branch of the balance mod around the 1st of June.

Published on Sat, 20 May 2017 23:38:33 +0200

giving a dread a 3 shot ranged weapon takes away some of the flavor of the class. I just *intentionally* lose my first hero offered to me in combat just so my dread can have a 3 attack range weapon.

Published on Fri, 19 May 2017 17:42:52 +0200

@Tass: yes, a 3-shot ranged weapon for Dread will be considered, and same for Warlord. We're probably going to open a broader discussion about heroes soon. Regarding Might Meek, it still work as before through the Theocrat spell of the same name. T1 Halflings get Lesser Mighty Meek which is a weaker version (they actually already have it in v1.21, it's nerfed in v1.22).
@all: you can see some of the possible ideas for heroes here and it'd be really great to have more people joining the discussion and brainstorm!

== Balance ==
The following changes are confirmed for v1.22:
Units acquired through Ghouling Strike have an upkeep increased by +25% gold/turn

Dreadnought heroes can choose Gas Mask at level 7 for 5 points: units in the stack led by this unit get 40% Blight Protection and immune to Choking Fumes, Suffocate and Disgusting Stench. Undead, Elemental, Machines and Incorporeal are not affected.

Dreadnought heroes can choose Lava Walking for 4 points at level 9, it also gives them 100% Fire Protection

Dreadnought heroes can choose Activate Golem at level 11 for 5 points to deploy and enter a Golem once per battle: until the end of battle, the hero gains Machine, Wall Crushing, Demolisher, Tireless, Reinforced, 40% shock weakness. He loses the bonus from his current mount, the Mounted ability (and associated bonus) and his MP are reduced to 28. He keeps his race’s, items’, etc.’s other abilities and spells. Activate Golem causes the heroes to enter Guard Mode and finishes their turn.
Activate Golem cannot be used while on Water or Lava.

Halfling T1’s Lesser Mighty Meek gives +1 physical damage by tier level difference with the unit attacking them (was +1 strength on all channels per tier difference with the unit they attack)

Dead cities do not have economic bonus any more (was gain +5% to all types of income for every level of Necromancy skill)
Embalmers Guild gives +5 gold and Cathedral of Bones gives +10% to all the incomes of the city. A new building can be built in Ghoul city, requiring Cathedral of Bones, it costs 150 gold and 100 mana and gives +15% to all the incomes of the city.
Cathedral of Bones costs 100 gold and 100 mana (was 150 gold and 100 mana).

The description of the tech Exalted Martyr does not provide any XP bonus to Martyrs (was saying it gave +50% but was actually not). Martyrs evolve on Champion I (was Elite).

== 2017 PBEM Duel Tournament ==
3 matches still ongoing, 15 days left before end of round.
Please start thinking about your class/race for next turn! You can start sending to judges: Fistandantilus, Marcuspers and me.

== PBEM 2vs2 Team Tournament ==
59 days left before end of round 4.

== Balance ==
The changelog of v1.22 will be finalized this Friday, so please provide feedback now if you think some changes are good, or bad!

The following changes will be confirmed for v1.22 if there is no new feedback is provided by the community:
Units acquired through Ghouling Strike have an upkeep increased by +25% gold/turn

Dreadnought heroes can choose Gas Mask at level 7 for 5 points: units in the stack led by this unit get 40% Blight Protection and immune to Choking Fumes, Suffocate and Disgusting Stench. Undead, Elemental, Machines and Incorporeal are not affected.

Dreadnought heroes can choose Lava Walking for 4 points at level 9, it also gives them 100% Fire Protection

Dreadnought heroes can choose Activate Golem at level 11 for 5 points to deploy and enter a Golem once per battle: until the end of battle, the hero gains Machine, Wall Crushing, Demolisher, Tireless, Reinforced, 40% shock weakness. He loses the bonus from his current mount, the Mounted ability (and associated bonus) and his MP are reduced to 28. He keeps his race’s, items’, etc.’s other abilities and spells. Activate Golem causes the heroes to enter Guard Mode and finishes their turn.
Activate Golem cannot be used while on Water or Lava.

Halfling T1’s Lesser Mighty Meek gives +1 physical damage by tier level difference with the unit attacking them (was +1 strength on all channels per tier difference with the unit they attack)

Dead cities do not have economic bonus any more (was gain +5% to all types of income for every level of Necromancy skill)
Embalmers Guild gives +5 gold and Cathedral of Bones gives +10% to all the incomes of the city. A new building can be built in Ghoul city, requiring Cathedral of Bones, it costs 150 gold and 100 mana and gives +15% to all the incomes of the city.
Cathedral of Bones costs 100 gold and 100 mana (was 150 gold and 100 mana).

The description of the tech Exalted Martyr does not provide any XP bonus to Martyrs (was saying it gave +50% but was actually not). Martyrs evolve on Champion I (was Elite).

Tropical Empire gives Inflict Immolation to allied units in your domain.

You can see the full changelog of v1.22 in these 3 posts:

Published on Fri, 19 May 2017 17:41:51 +0200

@Tass: yes, a 3-shot ranged weapon for Dread will be considered, and same for Warlord. We're probably going to open a broader discussion about heroes soon. Regarding Might Meek, it still work as before through the Theocrat spell of the same name. T1 Halflings get Lesser Mighty Meek which is a weaker version (they actually already have it in v1.21, it's nerfed in v1.22).
@all: you can see some of the possible ideas for heroes here and it'd be really great to have more people joining the discussion and brainstorm!

== Balance ==
The following changes are confirmed for v1.22:
Units acquired through Ghouling Strike have an upkeep increased by +25% gold/turn

Dreadnought heroes can choose Gas Mask at level 7 for 5 points: units in the stack led by this unit get 40% Blight Protection and immune to Choking Fumes, Suffocate and Disgusting Stench. Undead, Elemental, Machines and Incorporeal are not affected.

Dreadnought heroes can choose Lava Walking for 4 points at level 9, it also gives them 100% Fire Protection

Dreadnought heroes can choose Activate Golem at level 11 for 5 points to deploy and enter a Golem once per battle: until the end of battle, the hero gains Machine, Wall Crushing, Demolisher, Tireless, Reinforced, 40% shock weakness. He loses the bonus from his current mount, the Mounted ability (and associated bonus) and his MP are reduced to 28. He keeps his race’s, items’, etc.’s other abilities and spells. Activate Golem causes the heroes to enter Guard Mode and finishes their turn.
Activate Golem cannot be used while on Water or Lava.

Halfling T1’s Lesser Mighty Meek gives +1 physical damage by tier level difference with the unit attacking them (was +1 strength on all channels per tier difference with the unit they attack)

Dead cities do not have economic bonus any more (was gain +5% to all types of income for every level of Necromancy skill)
Embalmers Guild gives +5 gold and Cathedral of Bones gives +10% to all the incomes of the city. A new building can be built in Ghoul city, requiring Cathedral of Bones, it costs 150 gold and 100 mana and gives +15% to all the incomes of the city.
Cathedral of Bones costs 100 gold and 100 mana (was 150 gold and 100 mana).

The description of the tech Exalted Martyr does not provide any XP bonus to Martyrs (was saying it gave +50% but was actually not). Martyrs evolve on Champion I (was Elite).

== 2017 PBEM Duel Tournament ==
3 matches still ongoing, 15 days left before end of round.
Please start thinking about your class/race for next turn! You can start sending to judges: Fistandantilus, Marcuspers and me.

== PBEM 2vs2 Team Tournament ==
59 days left before end of round 4.

== Balance ==
The changelog of v1.22 will be finalized this Friday, so please provide feedback now if you think some changes are good, or bad!

The following changes will be confirmed for v1.22 if there is no new feedback is provided by the community:
Units acquired through Ghouling Strike have an upkeep increased by +25% gold/turn

Dreadnought heroes can choose Gas Mask at level 7 for 5 points: units in the stack led by this unit get 40% Blight Protection and immune to Choking Fumes, Suffocate and Disgusting Stench. Undead, Elemental, Machines and Incorporeal are not affected.

Dreadnought heroes can choose Lava Walking for 4 points at level 9, it also gives them 100% Fire Protection

Dreadnought heroes can choose Activate Golem at level 11 for 5 points to deploy and enter a Golem once per battle: until the end of battle, the hero gains Machine, Wall Crushing, Demolisher, Tireless, Reinforced, 40% shock weakness. He loses the bonus from his current mount, the Mounted ability (and associated bonus) and his MP are reduced to 28. He keeps his race’s, items’, etc.’s other abilities and spells. Activate Golem causes the heroes to enter Guard Mode and finishes their turn.
Activate Golem cannot be used while on Water or Lava.

Halfling T1’s Lesser Mighty Meek gives +1 physical damage by tier level difference with the unit attacking them (was +1 strength on all channels per tier difference with the unit they attack)

Dead cities do not have economic bonus any more (was gain +5% to all types of income for every level of Necromancy skill)
Embalmers Guild gives +5 gold and Cathedral of Bones gives +10% to all the incomes of the city. A new building can be built in Ghoul city, requiring Cathedral of Bones, it costs 150 gold and 100 mana and gives +15% to all the incomes of the city.
Cathedral of Bones costs 100 gold and 100 mana (was 150 gold and 100 mana).

The description of the tech Exalted Martyr does not provide any XP bonus to Martyrs (was saying it gave +50% but was actually not). Martyrs evolve on Champion I (was Elite).

Tropical Empire gives Inflict Immolation to allied units in your domain.

You can see the full changelog of v1.22 in these 3 posts:

Published on Tue, 16 May 2017 10:59:19 +0200

So MM come into play only when a little halfling is attacked !?

PS: Give to Dread heros a weapon that shoots 3 times, plz! <smiletext0>

Published on Tue, 16 May 2017 05:57:14 +0200

== 2017 PBEM Duel Tournament ==
3 matches still ongoing, 15 days left before end of round.
Please start thinking about your class/race for next turn! You can start sending to judges: Fistandantilus, Marcuspers and me.

== PBEM 2vs2 Team Tournament ==
59 days left before end of round 4.

== Balance ==
The changelog of v1.22 will be finalized this Friday, so please provide feedback now if you think some changes are good, or bad! <smiletext0>

The following changes will be confirmed for v1.22 if there is no new feedback is provided by the community:
Units acquired through Ghouling Strike have an upkeep increased by +25% gold/turn

Dreadnought heroes can choose Gas Mask at level 7 for 5 points: units in the stack led by this unit get 40% Blight Protection and immune to Choking Fumes, Suffocate and Disgusting Stench. Undead, Elemental, Machines and Incorporeal are not affected.

Dreadnought heroes can choose Lava Walking for 4 points at level 9, it also gives them 100% Fire Protection

Dreadnought heroes can choose Activate Golem at level 11 for 5 points to deploy and enter a Golem once per battle: until the end of battle, the hero gains Machine, Wall Crushing, Demolisher, Tireless, Reinforced, 40% shock weakness. He loses the bonus from his current mount, the Mounted ability (and associated bonus) and his MP are reduced to 28. He keeps his race’s, items’, etc.’s other abilities and spells. Activate Golem causes the heroes to enter Guard Mode and finishes their turn.
Activate Golem cannot be used while on Water or Lava.

Halfling T1’s Lesser Mighty Meek gives +1 physical damage by tier level difference with the unit attacking them (was +1 strength on all channels per tier difference with the unit they attack)

Dead cities do not have economic bonus any more (was gain +5% to all types of income for every level of Necromancy skill)
Embalmers Guild gives +5 gold and Cathedral of Bones gives +10% to all the incomes of the city. A new building can be built in Ghoul city, requiring Cathedral of Bones, it costs 150 gold and 100 mana and gives +15% to all the incomes of the city.
Cathedral of Bones costs 100 gold and 100 mana (was 150 gold and 100 mana).

The description of the tech Exalted Martyr does not provide any XP bonus to Martyrs (was saying it gave +50% but was actually not). Martyrs evolve on Champion I (was Elite).

These two need more discussion to choose one:
Tropical Empire gives Inflict Immolation to allied units in your domain.

Tropical Empire gives Inflict Scorched Heat to allied units in your domain.

Confirmed for v1.22:
Maximum XP interactions (XP counters) for each tier are 6/8/9/10 for tier 1, tier 2, tier 3, tier 4 respectively (was 6/8/10/12)

Migration takes a minimum of 2 turns (was 1 turn) + 1 turn every 15 hexes (as before)

Published on Wed, 10 May 2017 19:24:59 +0200

== Balance ==
@Imperium: it is difficult to satisfy everyone all the time. People do not want to constantly receive messages about balance so I try to limit my posts here to 1 per week more or less, and I do my best to keep them short, so I don't post walls of texts explaining the rationale of the changes. The rationale of the changes is available through different channels that I'm going to remind as probably many people do not know about it or forgot it:

Usually, when a discussion is ongoing somewhere, I announce it here and gives link, and then in following weeks, you see changes related to that discussion appear here. So basically, you can find the rationale in the link. <smiletext0>

One last important thing... The priorities right now are those defined by the community during the poll on "the directions of the balance mod". Please check the results in the picture below:

Regarding paper/scissors/rock, it's already the case at the unit levels but doing it for classes would be both very resource-intensive (in terms of time needed for design, approval by the community, tests) and dangerous.

The following changes will be confirmed for v1.22 if there is no new feedback is provided by the community:
Maximum XP interactions (XP counters) for each tier are 6/8/9/10 for tier 1, tier 2, tier 3, tier 4 respectively (was 6/8/10/12)

Migration takes a minimum of 2 turns (was 1 turn) + 1 turn every 15 hexes (as before)

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