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Overview 2022 PBEM Tournament Player Pool | PBEM | (Free slots)

Recommended turn order based on play times:

myl_supporter 22:00-4:00 | Zytozid 18:00-23:00 | Dagoth_Ur 18:00-22:00 | orlyzzz 18:00-22:00 | xlnt 18:00-22:00 | Fluksen 18:00-22:00 | Bethrezen 18:00-22:00 | Nemesis_Zero 18:00-23:00 | Melciar 17:00-21:00 | badborre 18:00-22:00 | Castaneda 18:00-22:00 | Sjow 18:00-22:00 | marcuspers 20:00-22:00 | BLACKCAT 19:00-23:00 | Longinus 19:00-22:00 | rickyroo222 19:00-6:00 | Voltoir 19:00-23:00 | Nazo 19:00-23:00 | Akinos 19:00-23:00 | Archer01 19:00-23:00 | Goh12 19:00-23:00 | Wodokan 19:00-23:00 | DiaEmperador 19:00-23:00 | sswdidi 19:00-20:00 | SpiritSeeker 19:00-23:00 | mhved 19:00-23:00 | KaZoR 19:00-23:00 | Eliomephijas 19:00-23:00 | phirpo 19:00-23:00 | Refineus 17:00-23:00 | Hive_Mind101 20:00-0:00 | masterboja 20:00-0:00 | Boze 20:00-0:00 | Kelda 20:00-0:00 | Sbiht 20:00-23:00 | Jed beans 20:00-0:00 | Kruel 20:00-2:00 | Vince777 20:00-0:00 | Lord_Dvorak 20:00-0:00 | RedChameleon 20:00-0:00 | BBB 20:00-0:00 | embahr 20:00-0:00 | ehall20 21:00-3:00 | Hiliadan 22:00-23:00 | Gilafron 22:00-3:00 | quetzal_tr 21:00-2:00 | cbower 0:00-5:00 | Henrysix 0:00-14:00 | Olop 0:00-6:00 | MrRoivas 1:00-5:00 | Pobez 1:00-5:00 | DrLight 1:00-5:00 | Cat and Cat and Pat 1:00-5:00 | Swishtail 2:00-6:00 | Helaio 2:00-6:00 | Jundland Banshee 3:00-7:00 | nidsfar11 4:00-8:00 | redrum68 4:00-6:00 | Ix329 4:00-8:00 | Minerva Madin 4:00-8:00 | Dev 4:00-8:00 | jabst 4:00-8:00 | NobCob 4:00-8:00 | DarkRider 4:00-8:00 | AnarchCassius 4:00-8:00 | Loki44 5:00-8:00 | DreadReapr 22:00-22:00 | gabthegab 4:00-21:00 | Retromancer 7:00-23:00 | Warlord Keldon 7:00-23:00 | Fistandantilus 7:00-3:00 | Lightform 7:00-11:00 | CiceroSUN 8:00-12:00 | chiveicrook 10:00-23:00 | mahimka 10:00-20:00 | rrrrookie 13:00-14:00 | Jean_de_Metz 12:00-19:00 | Skuns453Lirik902 14:00-18:00 | Saunatonttu 16:00-23:00 | Jonny Thunder 15:00-19:00 | SleepingDog 15:00-19:00 | keika 15:00-18:00 | HellBrick 16:00-20:00 | batbl4 17:00-21:00 | MARKYMARK 18:00-0:00 | Moridin 17:00-21:00 | Ezekiel 17:00-22:00 | Badok 17:00-23:00 | Lck 17:00-23:00 | personian 17:00-6:00 | Thorgal 18:00-22:00 | El_Lobo 18:00-23:00 | Aureliano90 17:00-23:00 | JohnnyDown 3:00-7:00 | Blad_ua 18:00-22:00 | DacrioS 17:00-19:00 | Aim 9:00-21:00

I would like to


Organisator: myl_supporter | Joined so far: 97 | unlimited

The Championsleague is ongoing and its season 2 is starting in April 2022.

The 2019 PBEM Duel Tournament is finished.

== Archive of old tournaments (please also check the Hall of Fame): ==

Published on Sat, 20 Jan 2018 08:54:44 +0100

== Misc ==
Gladis, Marcuspers, and me are available today to play Arena games! gabthegab might join the party too! The Arena is a new game mode to play AoW3 with short tactical battles between human players (no empire building, only fights)!
Check out the Arena Player Pool for instruction on how to play the Arena. Come to the chat to get help or find an opponent!

On another topic, have a look at the latest news article published on the BF: Key videos of competitive AoW3 play and new video library

== Balance ==
These changes will be confirmed for v1.24 (next week) if no further feedback:
Undeads that attack a unit with Necromantic Aura get “Mind Control Immunity” if the Aura fails its 7 spirit attack check on them (units with “Mind Control Immunity” cannot be affected by Necromantic Aura).

Animate Ruins costs 110 CP (was 60)

Summon Fantastic Creature can be used on Water hex (was only on land)

Published on Sat, 13 Jan 2018 15:46:09 +0100

== Balance ==
These changes require additional feedback and are considered for v1.24:
Undeads that attack a unit with Necromantic Aura get “Mind Control Immunity” if the Aura fails its 7 spirit attack check on them (units with “Mind Control Immunity” cannot be affected by Necromantic Aura).

Animate Ruins costs 110 CP (was 60)

Summon Fantastic Creature can be used on Water hex (was only on land)

Beyond these three, v1.24 should not include other changes... The rest should be for v1.25.

Published on Mon, 08 Jan 2018 00:03:49 +0100

== PBEM 2vs2 Team Tournament ==
About 42 days left. 1 week extension is under discussion to compensate for the Winter holidays.

== Balance ==
Reminder: we had only 10 votes in the poll to help calibrate the assessment of Racial Governance upgrades. So please vote: What Racial Governance (RG) upgrade do you usually take when playing living Goblin? You can check the current RG here (without balance mod, but balance mod doesn't change Goblin RG): http://age-of-wonders-3.wikia... />
These changes are confirmed for v1.24:
The Dreadnought ability Fireproofing gives +60% Fire Protection and Lava Walking. It requires Forge Aprons. (was called “Lava Walking”, was giving +100 % Fire Protection and did not require Forge Aprons)

Fey Dwelling’s buildings:
Buttercup Meadow (T1 building): 100 gold (was 150 gold)
Nightshade Hollow (T3 building): 250 gold (was 200 gold)
Unicorn Glade (unlocks Unicorn) costs 100 gold and is unlocked by Buttercup Meadow (was cost 150 gold and directly buildable)
Nymph Pond (unlocks Nymph) costs 100 gold and is unlocked by Buttercup Meadow (was cost 150 gold and is unlocked by Fairy Charm)
Aphrodisiac Flowers (2nd defensive building) is unlocked by Fairy Charm (was unlocked by Nymph Pond)

Undead Archon Dwelling’s buildings:
Graveyard (Infantry) costs 50 gold (was 100)
Charnel House (Archer) costs 50 gold (was 100)
Sigil of Awakening costs 50 gold and 25 mana (was 50 gold and 50 mana)
Obelisk of Undeath (gives Cursed to enemy units in domain) costs 75 gold and 25 mana (was 75 gold and 50 mana)
Barrow (Caster) costs 90 gold and 50 mana (was 100 gold and 50 mana)
Haunted Vault (Wraith) is unlocked by Sigil of Awakening and Obelisk of Undead (was unlocked by Barrow, itself needing these 2 buildings) and cost 135 gold and 40 mana (was 160 gold and 40 mana)
Mausoleum (Titan) costs 250 gold and 110 mana (was 250 gold and 75 mana)

Chamber of Rite gives Heal Undead to all Supports in the domain

Obelisk of Undeath gives all Undead in the domain Undeath Aura, which heal them 6 HP / strategic turn. Obelisk of Undeath requires Sigil of Awakening (was could be built directly) and contributes to unlocking Chamber of the Rite (which also requires the Barrow)

The Mermaid’s Cove can be built without pre-requisite (was: needs Deep Sea Trench). The Abyssal Ridge requires the Siren’s Rock and the Deep Sea Trench (was: needs Siren’s Rock, which needs Whispering Rocks and Mermaid’s Cove, which needs Deep Sea Trench)  

Serpent Hall and Viper Fortress cost 65 gold and 50 mana each (was 75 gold and 50 mana) and Altar of the Great Mother costs 170 gold and 75 mana (was 150 gold and 75 mana)

Forbidden Sanctum no long have a defender set containing Nymphs and Shamans

Orc Impalers get “Impaling” (Impalers get a chance with each attack to immobilize the attacked unit) and cost +5 Gold

These changes might be confirmed for v1.24 if no further feedback:
Unicorns get Healing on Elite

Draconian Charger, Dwarf  Deepguard, High Elf Union Guard, Halfling Farmer, Human Hallebardier, Orc Impaler are available at Barracks (was War Hall).
Guard House is unlocked by Barracks (was War Hall).

Published on Wed, 03 Jan 2018 18:35:21 +0100
System notification

Information 2017 PBEM Tournament Player Pool
IIaanor joined !!

Published on Mon, 01 Jan 2018 11:39:23 +0100

Happy New Year everyone!! <smiletext0>

== Balance ==
A poll has been launched to help calibrate the assessment of Racial Governance upgrades, please say What Racial Governance (RG) upgrade do you usually take when playing living Goblin? You can check the current RG here (without balance mod, but balance mod doesn't change Goblin RG): http://age-of-wonders-3.wikia... />
These changes will be confirmed for v1.24 if no further feedback:
The Dreadnought ability Fireproofing gives +60% Fire Protection and Lava Walking. It requires Forge Aprons. (was called “Lava Walking”, was giving +100 % Fire Protection and did not require Forge Aprons)

Fey Dwelling’s buildings:
Buttercup Meadow (T1 building): 100 gold (was 150 gold)
Nightshade Hollow (T3 building): 250 gold (was 200 gold)
Unicorn Glade (unlocks Unicorn) costs 100 gold and is unlocked by Buttercup Meadow (was cost 150 gold and directly buildable)
Nymph Pond (unlocks Nymph) costs 100 gold and is unlocked by Buttercup Meadow (was cost 150 gold and is unlocked by Fairy Charm)
Aphrodisiac Flowers (2nd defensive building) is unlocked by Fairy Charm (was unlocked by Nymph Pond)

Unicorns get Healing on Elite

Undead Archon Dwelling’s buildings:
Graveyard (Infantry) costs 50 gold (was 100)
Charnel House (Archer) costs 50 gold (was 100)
Sigil of Awakening costs 50 gold and 25 mana (was 50 gold and 50 mana)
Obelisk of Undeath (gives Cursed to enemy units in domain) costs 75 gold and 25 mana (was 75 gold and 50 mana)
Barrow (Caster) costs 90 gold and 50 mana (was 100 gold and 50 mana)
Haunted Vault (Wraith) is unlocked by Sigil of Awakening and Obelisk of Undead (was unlocked by Barrow, itself needing these 2 buildings) and cost 135 gold and 40 mana (was 160 gold and 40 mana)
Mausoleum (Titan) costs 250 gold and 110 mana (was 250 gold and 75 mana)

Chamber of Rite gives Heal Undead to all Supports in the domain

Obelisk of Undeath gives all Undead in the domain Undeath Aura, which heal them 6 HP / strategic turn. Obelisk of Undeath requires Sigil of Awakening (was could be built directly) and contributes to unlocking Chamber of the Rite (which also requires the Barrow)

The Mermaid’s Cove can be built without pre-requisite (was: needs Deep Sea Trench). The Abyssal Ridge requires the Siren’s Rock and the Deep Sea Trench (was: needs Siren’s Rock, which needs Whispering Rocks and Mermaid’s Cove, which needs Deep Sea Trench)   

Serpent Hall and Viper Fortress cost 65 gold and 50 mana each (was 75 gold and 50 mana) and Altar of the Great Mother costs 170 gold and 75 mana (was 150 gold and 75 mana)

Forbidden Sanctum no long have a defender set containing Nymphs and Shamans

Orc Impalers get “Impaling” (Impalers get a chance with each attack to immobilize the attacked unit) and cost +5 Gold

Draconian Charger, Dwarf  Deepguard, High Elf Union Guard, Halfling Farmer, Human Hallebardier, Orc Impaler are available at Barracks (was War Hall).
Guard House is unlocked by Barracks (was War Hall).

== Misc ==
I started uploading the videos of Round 5 match Hiliadan (Draconian Sorcerer) vs Mr. Hawk (Draconian Sorcerer):

The playlist:

Published on Sun, 24 Dec 2017 09:42:36 +0100

== Balance ==
Reminder: we started discussion on a big and complex topic, Racial Governance, and need more people to join the discussion: For instance, here are some targets we are proposing for RG1:
Early game: equivalent to +15 gold/turn over the whole empire
Mid game and later: limited effect – the boost should not scale up too easily at later stages because it’s very easy to get RG1 with new races
Early game: 1 T1 unit receive a excellent boost (making it equivalent to a T2) or 2 units receive very good boost equivalent to 2 medals – the boost can be a useful ability, doesn’t have to be only a raw power boost
Mid game and later: keep the boosted units useful

These changes require additional feedback and are considered for v1.24:
The Dreadnought ability Fireproofing gives +60% Fire Protection and Lava Walking. It requires Forge Aprons. (was called “Lava Walking”, was giving +100 % Fire Protection and did not require Forge Aprons)

Fey Dwelling’s buildings:
Buttercup Meadow (T1 building): 100 gold (was 150 gold)
Nightshade Hollow (T3 building): 250 gold (was 200 gold)
Unicorn Glade (unlocks Unicorn) costs 100 gold and is unlocked by Buttercup Meadow (was cost 150 gold and directly buildable)
Nymph Pond (unlocks Nymph) costs 100 gold and is unlocked by Buttercup Meadow (was cost 150 gold and is unlocked by Fairy Charm)
Aphrodisiac Flowers (2nd defensive building) is unlocked by Fairy Charm (was unlocked by Nymph Pond)

Unicorns get Healing on Elite

Undead Archon Dwelling’s buildings:
Graveyard (Infantry) costs 50 gold (was 100)
Charnel House (Archer) costs 50 gold (was 100)
Sigil of Awakening costs 50 gold and 25 mana (was 50 gold and 50 mana)
Obelisk of Undeath (gives Cursed to enemy units in domain) costs 75 gold and 25 mana (was 75 gold and 50 mana)
Barrow (Caster) costs 90 gold and 50 mana (was 100 gold and 50 mana)
Haunted Vault (Wraith) is unlocked by Sigil of Awakening and Obelisk of Undead (was unlocked by Barrow, itself needing these 2 buildings) and cost 135 gold and 40 mana (was 160 gold and 40 mana)
Mausoleum (Titan) costs 250 gold and 110 mana (was 250 gold and 75 mana)

Chamber of Rite gives Heal Undead to all Supports in the domain

Obelisk of Undeath gives all Undead in the domain Undeath Aura, which heal them 6 HP / strategic turn. Obelisk of Undeath requires Sigil of Awakening (was could be built directly) and contributes to unlocking Chamber of the Rite (which also requires the Barrow)

The Mermaid’s Cove can be built without pre-requisite (was: needs Deep Sea Trench). The Abyssal Ridge requires the Siren’s Rock and the Deep Sea Trench (was: needs Siren’s Rock, which needs Whispering Rocks and Mermaid’s Cove, which needs Deep Sea Trench)   

Serpent Hall and Viper Fortress cost 65 gold and 50 mana each (was 75 gold and 50 mana) and Altar of the Great Mother costs 170 gold and 75 mana (was 150 gold and 75 mana)

Forbidden Sanctum no long have a defender set containing Nymphs and Shamans

Orc Impalers get “Impaling” (Impalers get a chance with each attack to immobilize the attacked unit) and cost +5 Gold

Draconian Charger, Dwarf  Deepguard, High Elf Union Guard, Halfling Farmer, Human Hallebardier, Orc Impaler are available at Barracks (was War Hall).
Guard House is unlocked by Barracks (was War Hall).

Published on Thu, 21 Dec 2017 23:47:59 +0100

== Balance ==
A new discussion has been launched to balance Racial Governance: />It would be good to have several players joining it to agree on what boosts we want RG to achieve, and what guidelines should we set to design new, more balanced RG choices.

An article has been published to announced v1.23, check it out on the Battlefield: PBEM and Single Player Balance Mod v1.23 released: a small but impactful update

== Misc ==
Check out the two latest videos from the 2017 PBEM Duel Tournament:

– turn 15: 1st meeting between Hiliadan and El Lobo
– turn 20: epic manual combats to clear a Sphynx Temple and complete a Quest from the Dragon Dwelling with the Warlord Leader and AD hero of Hiliadan
– turn 25: Hiliadan obtains Great Healing Shower from a Wizard Tower Ruins cleared 5 vs 6 (but with Regrowth)
– turn 28: Hiliadan reaches Monoculture
– turn 29: Hiliadan reaches Master Smith
– turn 31: the Leader, AD and King Reed Serpent of Hiliadan starts moving toward El Lobo’s Throne, while the movements of El Lobo’s army are being spied upon.
– turn 33: Hiliadan takes El Lobo’s Throne after mounting a freshly hatched Gryphon, he uses Death March to send flying reinforcements above rapids, while his Swimming units circle the rapids through water. El Lobo sends back his nearby troops to fight back.
– turn 35: El Lobo’s troops fail to beat his opponent’s army and Hiliadan keeps the Throne. Heptatopia is reached.
– turn 36: final battle and end of the game.

Summary of key events by Marcus:
First Metropolis - Me Turn 25
Summon the first T4 - Me turn 27
Hellbrick takes my first city and start his invasion - Turn 27
Monoculture - Hellbrick Turn 32
Hellbrick destroys my Throne - Turn 35
Research a T6 spell - Hellbrick Turn 35
I finish Hasty Plunder on the first city I took from Hellbrick and manages to stay alive and keep my summons - Turn 35.
I have control over 3 of Hellbricks old cities and clear a Forbidden Sanctum and are able to cast summons again - Turn 38
Hellbrick attacks me, loses the battle and surrender - Turn 43

Published on Mon, 18 Dec 2017 23:25:14 +0100
System notification

Information 2017 PBEM Tournament Player Pool
RedChameleon joined !!

Published on Fri, 15 Dec 2017 11:48:11 +0100

== 2017 PBEM Duel Tournament ==
All matches were completed in round 5! Round 6 starts today! <smiletext0>
@xlnt, Marcuspers and AlX, please send your class/race to the appropriate judges. I already sent him my class/race.
xlnt and AlX are hosts.

If we use all the days of this round, we would be synced more or less with the 2vs2, that's great!
If we finish before, we'll probably have to use v1.22 again for round 7 as I don't think it's reasonable to use v1.23 before round 6 of the 2vs2 ends, especially since it looks like very few people are testing it.

Published on Mon, 11 Dec 2017 16:23:10 +0100

== 2017 PBEM Duel Tournament ==
Only 2 matches left ongoing and it's likely they will end before the deadline (which ends in about 24 days), so please prepare your class/race for next round! <smiletext0> Round 6 uses v1.22, round 7 will use v1.23.
For those anticipating round 8, as explained in rule 5: "As there are only 7 classes, after your 7th match, the "counter is reset", i.e. you can play all the class/race again. However, in your 8th match, you cannot play the class or the race that you played in your 7th match.".

== 2016 PBEM 2vs2 Team Tournament ==
Only about 69.5 days left before the end of round, the teams involved in the 2 matches are encouraged to prioritize the games of this tournament above all other games.

== Next Tournament ==
I'm personally not going to organize a new PBEM Tournament before several months (though someone else might?) but if you have ideas for the rules and settings, you can already share them here: />
== Balance ==
v1.23 has been released on the beta branch of the balance mod: The changelog is up to date at the usual place: />I encourage everyone to use the beta branch for all new games, to benefit earlier from improvements to balance and help us get feedback before official release on the main branch. Thanks to all who will play on the beta branch! <smiletext0>
Also, a new big topic has been opened for discussion: Brainstorming: sub-classes and races for heroes/Leaders and balance That follows a poll How best to balance all heroes and their abilities and also make them more interesting? As usual, opinions welcome and needed!

This is confirmed for v1.24:
Domains of XXX spells can be researched by Necromancer (were not displayed in the research book of Necromancer) and their non-morale bonus apply to Undead, Elementals and units of Magical Origin (these three types of units still do not start to “Like” the climate due to the spell) (was Undead, Elementals and units of Magical Origin do not benefit from the stat boost

== Misc ==
54 people shared their opinion on the best mods for AoW3, but I'm pretty sure several of you haven't voted yet. Please take a couple of minutes to rank the best mods in the ongoing poll. <smiletext0>

Published on Wed, 06 Dec 2017 19:45:17 +0100
System notification

Information 2017 PBEM Tournament Player Pool
darkapothem joined !!

Published on Sun, 26 Nov 2017 17:14:30 +0100
System notification

Information 2017 PBEM Tournament Player Pool
Akinos joined !!

Published on Sun, 26 Nov 2017 15:59:03 +0100

It doesn't matter how many elite t3/t4 (and how early) you have when the enemy take all your cities

It wasn't elite Shadow Stalkers by the way, that would be another 5-10 turns.

Published on Sun, 26 Nov 2017 15:23:21 +0100

== Balance ==
The following 2 changes are added to the changelog of v1.23 (please check the link and note the 2 changes that may not be implemented due to technical issues):
Ghouled cities can be Plundered and Hasty Plundered (was only possible to Purify, Raze or – if playing Necro – Migrate them)

Succubi cost 150 gold and 30 mana (was 170 gold and 30 mana)

The rest did not make it due to insufficient feedback in support of them.

If all goes well, v1.23 should be released on the beta branch by the end of next week.
The target is to get the changelog of v1.24 confirmed for the end of round 6 of the 2vs2 Tournament, i.e. in about 3 months.

== 2017 PBEM Duel Tournament ==
It was previously said: "v1.22 used for round 5, probably v1.23 for round 6". It now seems short to use v1.23 for round 6 given that only 38 days are left before the end of the round. As a consequence, v1.22 will be used for round 6. v1.23 will be used for round 7.

== 2016 PBEM 2vs2 Team Tournament ==
Reminder: round 7 will use v1.23.

== Misc ==
A new poll has been launched: What are the best mods according to you? Time to vote! <smiletext0>

Marcus released several advanced strategy tutorials on his channels, check them out:
- how to get a stack of Shadow Stalkers by turn 20: />- challenge: possible to get the following 3 units at Elite by turn 17? King Serpent, Queen Spider, Shaman: />- how to get Eldritch Horror by turn 25:

Published on Sat, 25 Nov 2017 01:34:13 +0100
System notification

Information 2017 PBEM Tournament Player Pool
Henrysix joined !!

Published on Sat, 18 Nov 2017 23:25:45 +0100

== Tournaments ==
We cannot give specific rules for the number of warnings before disqualification because that would encourage people to suddenly have X-1 reloads in a game, where X is the number we announced as the level where you get disqualified.
Basically, the principles are: a small number of warning without proof in one game = disqualification or game loss; if you get many such warnings in separate games, you still get disqualified; if you have an abnormal number of warnings, even with adequate proofs, you also get a game loss or disqualification.
So there is a difference between both types of warning: with proofs judged adequate or without such proofs, and the count is both by game and on the whole tournament. But judges have some flexibility to avoid people trying to get through loopholes.

== Balance ==
The preliminary changelog of v1.23 has been released: />
These changes require additional feedback and are considered for v1.23 (if enough positive feedback by next week) or for v1.24:

3 changes whose main idea is to prevent early clearing of sites that give Secret Spells that can break games:

Forbidden Sanctum's batte enchantment is Mass Bless / Mass Curse and Shock Missile cast every turn on a random enemy unit

Forbidden Sanctum no long have a defender set containing Nymphs and Shamans

Sunken City's battle enchantment is Frost Missile (cast every turn on an enemy unit)

And a few more, including a variant of Gas Masks where Choking can't be dispelled to avoid the AI getting crazy trying to dispel, wasting CP in auto:

Ghouled cities can be Plundered and Hasty Plundered (was only possible to Purify, Raze or – if playing Necro – Migrate them)

Dr18b (same as Dr18a except that Choking can't be dispelled to avoid the AI getting crazy trying to dispel, wasting CP in auto)
Dreadnought heroes can choose Gas Masks at level 7 for 5 points: units in the stack led by this unit get 40% Blight Protection and are immune to Choking Fumes and Suffocate. Undead, Elemental, Machines and Incorporeal are not affected.
Choking Fumes target all units on the battlefield when it is cast and gives them Choking until end of battle (was a battlefield enchantment and could be disjuncted to remove Choking). The Choking ability is a blight passive debuff: it can be removed by Cure Disease (but not by Dispel Magic).
Magma Forge casts Choking Fumes every turn (the battle enchantment can be disjuncted to prevent Choking Fumes to be cast every turn but units will keep Choking, except if cured or dispelled).

Succubi cost 150 gold and 30 mana (was 170 gold and 30 mana)

Orc Impalers get “Impaling” (Impalers get a chance with each attack to immobilize the attacked unit) and cost +5 Gold

Draconian Charger, Dwarf Deepguard, High Elf Union Guard, Halfling Farmer, Human Halebardier, Orc Impaler are available at Barracks (was War Hall).

Published on Sat, 18 Nov 2017 21:28:39 +0100

I would like to raise a question on the topic of warnings given to players for reloads.
From what I understand, there should be some sort of difference between warnings for reloads with proof and without those.
Can anyone explain what is the difference? also how many warnings are leading to serious disciplinary action? are warnings counting towards a single game or the tournament?

Published on Sun, 12 Nov 2017 23:55:09 +0100

== PBEM 2vs2 Team Tournament ==
Round 6 of the PBEM 2vs2 Team Tournament is about to start, we are waiting for Fistandantilus and Warlord Keldon to report their victory.
Unfortunately both games on round 5 ended up by score. Fortunately, the two eliminated teams will get another shot at staying in the course for the Final through a qualification game to replace team West Coasters: Bastards of the North will face rrrrookie & Jonny Thunder in parallel to the normal matches of round 6.
Reminder: round 7 should use v1.23 of the balance mod.

== Balance ==
One topic has been slow to move forward and is slowing down the whole balancing process so more feedback would be welcome. The topic is how to make rarely used units more useful/interesting. The list of proposed changes for non-Dwelling units is split into three different posts in the same thread on the forum. It would be very very useful if 1 or 2 players could provide feedback on the forum on that thread. Here are the three posts: at the bottom

v1.23's preliminary changelog will be announced in about 1 week.

These changes are confirmed for v1.23:
Combat Healing starts with an initial 3 turns cooldown (was 4 turns).

Public Bath costs 120 gold (was 150)

Spell upgrades for heroes cost 4 (was 5), except:
– Chaos Rift (stay at 5)
– Chain Lightning (stay at 5)
– Last Stand (stay at 5)
– Slayer’s Doubt (stay at 5)
– Stiffen Limbs (stay at 5)
– Repair Fortification: costs 3

Heroes appearing in Cosmic Events have Mind Control Immunity

These changes require additional feedback and are considered for v1.23:
A new setting is available for “Defenders Strength”: “Strong with Normal rewards”: Treasure sites do not give +50% reward value any more

This one is the potential replacement for Gas Masks. It has some significant difference, so we need more feedback on it:
Dreadnought heroes can choose Gas Masks at level 7 for 5 points: units in the stack led by this unit get 40% Blight Protection and are immune to Choking Fumes and Suffocate. Undead, Elemental, Machines and Incorporeal are not affected.
Choking Fumes target all units on the battlefield when it is cast and gives them Choking until end of battle (was a battlefield enchantment and could be disjuncted to remove Choking). The Choking ability is a blight passive debuff: it can be removed by Cure Disease or Dispel Magic.
Magma Forge casts Choking Fumes every turn (the battle enchantment can be disjuncted to prevent Choking Fumes to be cast every turn but units will keep Choking, except if cured or dispelled).

== Misc ==
A vote on the best mods for AoW3 as of 2017 is being prepared. A shortlist of 20 mods need to be selected, please express your support for your favourite mods which are in the list in this post (follow the exact link, it's just 1 post on p.2, no need to read the whole discussion): />
I started uploading the videos of my game vs El Lobo on Round 4 of the 2017 PBEM Duel Tournament. Here is the link to the playlist, starting with turn 1:

Hiliadan (Tigran Warlord) vs El Lobo (Human Necromancer)

Published on Tue, 07 Nov 2017 14:57:20 +0100

== Balance ==
About 10 days left to produce a first draft of the changelog of v1.23. I followed up with the two extended groups of discussion for balance to get more opinions on the proposed changes. If you didn't receive any PM but would like to participate in the discussions, please contact me.

These changes will be confirmed for v1.23 if no further feedback:
Combat Healing starts with an initial 3 turns cooldown (was 4 turns).

Public Bath costs 120 gold (was 150)

Spell upgrades for heroes cost 4 (was 5), except:
– Chaos Rift (stay at 5)
– Chain Lightning (stay at 5)
– Last Stand (stay at 5)
– Slayer’s Doubt (stay at 5)
– Stiffen Limbs (stay at 5)
– Repair Fortification: costs 3

Heroes appearing in Cosmic Events have Mind Control Immunity

These changes require additional feedback and are considered for v1.23:
A new setting is available for “Defenders Strength”: “Strong with Normal rewards”: Treasure sites do not give +50% reward value any more

CP upgrade costs for heroes are reduced to 5+5+5+5+6+7+7 = 40 in total to get to 85 CP (was 5+5+7+7+7+9+9 = 49)
Destabilized Mana Core costs 60 CP (was 50 CP)

== 2017 PBEM Duel Tournament ==
Almost all the matches started or about to start.
Only missing the class/race of Mr. Hawk.

PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU STARTED WITH THE MAIN BRANCH of the balance mod. If you started with the beta branch, please contact judges immediately and pause your game.

== PBEM 2vs2 Team Tournament ==
Some issues happened on the match Bastards of the North vs Sinners. As Fistandantilus is involved in the match, Markymakr and I decided to nominate a 3rd judge to help us: Marcuspers will help on this case.

Some final checks need to be made on the other match but the winning team should be announced soon.
So round 6 is delayed a bit but hopefully should be able to proceed soon!

Published on Sat, 04 Nov 2017 19:47:25 +0100

The pbem++ mode is great - the changes are very few - but their impact is big. Fast currents are giving players with fly-ing scouts too much of an advantage ): we have to move that in the main branch

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