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Overview 2022 PBEM Tournament Player Pool | PBEM | (Free slots)

Recommended turn order based on play times:

myl_supporter 22:00-4:00 | Zytozid 18:00-23:00 | Dagoth_Ur 18:00-22:00 | orlyzzz 18:00-22:00 | xlnt 18:00-22:00 | Fluksen 18:00-22:00 | Bethrezen 18:00-22:00 | Nemesis_Zero 18:00-23:00 | Melciar 17:00-21:00 | badborre 18:00-22:00 | Castaneda 18:00-22:00 | Sjow 18:00-22:00 | marcuspers 20:00-22:00 | BLACKCAT 19:00-23:00 | Longinus 19:00-22:00 | rickyroo222 19:00-6:00 | Voltoir 19:00-23:00 | Nazo 19:00-23:00 | Akinos 19:00-23:00 | Archer01 19:00-23:00 | Goh12 19:00-23:00 | Wodokan 19:00-23:00 | DiaEmperador 19:00-23:00 | sswdidi 19:00-20:00 | SpiritSeeker 19:00-23:00 | mhved 19:00-23:00 | KaZoR 19:00-23:00 | Eliomephijas 19:00-23:00 | phirpo 19:00-23:00 | Refineus 17:00-23:00 | Hive_Mind101 20:00-0:00 | masterboja 20:00-0:00 | Boze 20:00-0:00 | Kelda 20:00-0:00 | Sbiht 20:00-23:00 | Jed beans 20:00-0:00 | Kruel 20:00-2:00 | Vince777 20:00-0:00 | Lord_Dvorak 20:00-0:00 | RedChameleon 20:00-0:00 | BBB 20:00-0:00 | embahr 20:00-0:00 | ehall20 21:00-3:00 | Hiliadan 22:00-23:00 | Gilafron 22:00-3:00 | quetzal_tr 21:00-2:00 | cbower 0:00-5:00 | Henrysix 0:00-14:00 | Olop 0:00-6:00 | MrRoivas 1:00-5:00 | Pobez 1:00-5:00 | DrLight 1:00-5:00 | Cat and Cat and Pat 1:00-5:00 | Swishtail 2:00-6:00 | Helaio 2:00-6:00 | Jundland Banshee 3:00-7:00 | nidsfar11 4:00-8:00 | redrum68 4:00-6:00 | Ix329 4:00-8:00 | Minerva Madin 4:00-8:00 | Dev 4:00-8:00 | jabst 4:00-8:00 | NobCob 4:00-8:00 | DarkRider 4:00-8:00 | AnarchCassius 4:00-8:00 | Loki44 5:00-8:00 | DreadReapr 22:00-22:00 | gabthegab 4:00-21:00 | Retromancer 7:00-23:00 | Warlord Keldon 7:00-23:00 | Fistandantilus 7:00-3:00 | Lightform 7:00-11:00 | CiceroSUN 8:00-12:00 | chiveicrook 10:00-23:00 | mahimka 10:00-20:00 | rrrrookie 13:00-14:00 | Jean_de_Metz 12:00-19:00 | Skuns453Lirik902 14:00-18:00 | Saunatonttu 16:00-23:00 | Jonny Thunder 15:00-19:00 | SleepingDog 15:00-19:00 | keika 15:00-18:00 | HellBrick 16:00-20:00 | batbl4 17:00-21:00 | MARKYMARK 18:00-0:00 | Moridin 17:00-21:00 | Ezekiel 17:00-22:00 | Badok 17:00-23:00 | Lck 17:00-23:00 | personian 17:00-6:00 | Thorgal 18:00-22:00 | El_Lobo 18:00-23:00 | Aureliano90 17:00-23:00 | JohnnyDown 3:00-7:00 | Blad_ua 18:00-22:00 | DacrioS 17:00-19:00 | Aim 9:00-21:00

I would like to


Organisator: myl_supporter | Joined so far: 97 | unlimited

The Championsleague is ongoing and its season 2 is starting in April 2022.

The 2019 PBEM Duel Tournament is finished.

== Archive of old tournaments (please also check the Hall of Fame): ==

Published on Tue, 18 Dec 2018 23:53:09 +0100

== 2018 PBEM 2vs2 Tournament ==
Match #4 ends this week, so two new matches will be able to start next week.

Judges are still waiting for Lck's class/race for his round 2 match...

== Balance ==
Reminder: some balance discussions occur on the chat of the BF, please have a look at the chat from time to time and give your opinion: (my advice is to make this your "main page" to access the BF)

The following change is confirmed for v1.27:
Pillar of the Stylite gives an additional +1 spirit damage against Flying units. Solar Spire gives +1 fire melee damage against Flying units.

The following changes will be confirmed for v1.27 if no further feedback:
Independent Trolls, Naga Slither and Naga Guardian units with Regrowth get "Greedy": The unit costs +25% upkeep.

The following changes are considered for v1.27:
Mind-controlled units cost more in upkeep:+50% gold / turn (was +25%)

Swimming now uses 4 MP/hex on the strategic map. Sea Creatures get Natural Swimming and still uses 3 MP/hex. Flying and Floating units get a "Flying over water" penalty of -1 defense, -1 resistance when flying over water. Mariner cancels that malus.
Sea Creatures do not take attack of opportunity when moving near non-Sea Creature units (like Flyers near walking units).

Rot gives Weakened to Machine and Undead it affects (was Deteriorated in the balance mod and Weakened in vanilla).

== Misc ==
Reminder: you can leave the pool and stop receiving emails by selecting "Leave the Pool" in the "I would like to" menu: https://www.the-battlefield.c...

Published on Sun, 09 Dec 2018 22:43:24 +0100
System notification

Information 2018 PBEM Tournament Player Pool
hatifnat quitted!

Published on Sun, 09 Dec 2018 22:36:30 +0100

== 2018 PBEM 2vs2 Tournament ==
Round 2 has started!

Matches #4 and #5 got dummy reports so that round 2 can technically start.
@players in matches #10, #11, #14, #15: please note that the roster for your match is currently incorrect and will be updated only when matches #4 and #5 actually end (in 2 and 6 weeks maximum respectively).

@all other players: PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU HAVE TO USE THE TOURNAMENT BRANCH of the balance mod exceptionnally for this round:
For next round 3, we should hopefully be able to use the main branch as usual.

For the games that can start, we're still missing the class/race of:
Brews Bros

Judges (Marcuspers, Jonny Thunder and me) are also discussing how to deal (during round 2) with teams where 1 player leaves.

== Balance ==
The following changes are confirmed for v1.27:
Summon Earth Elemental cannot be obtained as a reward in Sunken Cities any more

Shrine to the Skull Lord and Well of Souls are no longer "Treasure site" for the sake of Sanctified Sites, Animistic Knowledge and Magical Structures strategic spells (were Visit Structures but giving bonuses through these spells)

Floating does not give Cave Crawling any more (need 4 MP to move on Subterranean climate).

Engineers have 5 melee damage and Fire Blunderbuss for 7/8 physical/fire damage and cost 65 gold and 10 mana (was 6 melee damage, 8/8 ranged damage and 70 gold and 10 mana)

The extra cost due to extra abilities for Engineers is now 5 gold for Projectile Resistance for Dwarves (was 11), 5 gold for Sprint for Tigrans (was 10), 5 gold for Inflict Immolation for Draconians (was 10).

The following changes will be confirmed for v1.27 if no further feedback:
Independent Trolls, Naga Slither and Naga Guardian units with Regrowth get "Greedy": The unit costs +25% upkeep.

Pillar of the Stylite gives an additional +1 spirit damage against Flying units. Solar Spire gives +1 fire melee damage against Flying units.

Produce Engineer is Tier II and costs 140 RP, Produce Musketeer is Tier I and costs 60 RP (was the opposite).
Engineers are T2, have 45 HP, 11 defense, 9 resistance, costs 80 gold, 10 mana (was T1, 40 HP, 10 def, 8 res, 70 gold and 10 mana).
Musketeers are T1, have 36 HP, 10 defense, 8 resistance, costs 65 gold and 5 mana (was T2, 45 HP, 11 defense, 9 resistance, costs 80 gold and 10 mana).

The following change is considered for v1.27:
Mind-controlled units cost more in upkeep:+50% gold / turn (was +25%)

Published on Sat, 08 Dec 2018 22:21:30 +0100
System notification

Information 2018 PBEM Tournament Player Pool
gladis quitted!

Published on Sun, 02 Dec 2018 23:58:09 +0100

== 2018 PBEM 2vs2 Tournament ==
7 days before end of round, except for the 2 matches which got time extension.

Could the following teams please send their class/race to judges (see the roster for details)? The judges are: Hiliadan, Marcuspers, Jonny Thunder (this has been updated in the rules of the tournament).

#Match 9: Mab's Sons vs Dread & Mac (send class/race to Jonny Thunder)
#Match 12: Pandapocalypse vs LobEarLo
#Match 13: phir&ookie vs MM&BC
#Match 16: HoboTeam vs Brews Bros

Reminder: round 2 will use v1.26. A NEW BRANCH OF THE BALANCE MOD will be used so that we can:
1/ keep the beta branch free to release v1.27 when it's ready, and then have sufficient time to test it
2/ maintain v1.25 on the main branch to let the remaining two matches finish with the same version as they started.

The new "Tournament branch" will be released by next week. Sorry about the inconvenience of having one more branch but it's hard to deal with the constraints of freezing one branch for each ongoing round of tournaments.

== Balance ==
Some fixes were added to v1.26 on the beta branch. See the changelog for the final details of v1.26.
In particular "Units acquiring Floating through items, medals or upgrades are no longer affected by Twisting Roots" is reverted as it was not working properly. So be careful when using with AD or Sorcerer who got Floating through upgrades, etc.

Published on Sun, 25 Nov 2018 23:27:45 +0100

== 2018 PBEM 2vs2 Tournament ==
14 days left until end of round. Please start thinking about your class/race for next round! Remember you can't choose the class/race of round 1 (and won't be able to pick the one from round 2 until round 8).
Match #4 and #5 got 2 weeks and 6 weeks of extension respectively due to team replacements. That won't delay the start of round 2 but it means some matches of round 2 will be delayed, sorry for those affected!

== Balance ==
First changes confirmed for v1.27!

The following changes are confirmed for v1.27:
Items can now be found in sites corresponding to their rarity level or the level just above:
- Mythical sites: Mythical + Legendary
- Legendary sites: Legendary + Epic
- Epic sites: Epic + Strong
- Strong sites (see I1): Strong + Common
- Common sites (see I1): Common

Replenishing Bucket of Monkey Filth (use item, throw filth) is Strong (was Epic)

Silver Aegis Ring(jewel, 40% physical protection) is Mythical (was Legendary)

Dire Bear (mount +5 HP, devastating charge, bloodthirsty, inflict bleeding wounds) is Epic (was Legendary)

Accursed Helm of the Tower :    legendary -> mythical | head dragon slayer, giant slayer, 20% blight weakness, +2 def, +1 res, +1 vision range
Arm Cuff of the Spirit Slayer :    strong -> common | jewel +1 physical melee str, elemental slayer
Betrayer's Gift :    mythical -> legendary | weapon backstab(2x), +1 physical melee str
Blessed Totem of Health :    epic -> strong | usable +5hp, +12 hp recovery
Bone Wyvern :    legendary -> mythical | mount flying, inflict brain rot
Boots of the Shocking Snake Slayer :    epic -> legendary | leg 40% shock protection, +2 def
Buckler of the King's Guard :    strong -> epic | shield shield, +1 def, +1 res
Choker of the Great Matriarch :    legendary -> mythical | jewel 40% fire protection, 40% blight protection, +1 res, vision range upgrade
Cult of Storms Insignia :    epic -> legendary | jewel 80% shock protection, cave concealment, +1 res
Darkbringer Gemstone :    strong -> common | jewel urban concealment
Dragor's Swordcatcher :    legendary -> epic | shield shield, +2 def
Eternal Fire Cape :    mythical -> legendary | torso fire aura, +1 def
Fire Wyvern :    legendary -> mythical | mount 40% fire protection, flying
Flametongue Sword :    mythical -> legendary | weapon overwhelm, +3 fire melee str
Friendly Beggar's Shoes :    strong -> epic | leg bringer of goodwill
Frost Wyvern :    legendary -> mythical | mount 40% frost protection, flying
Grar's Plate Greaves :    legendary -> mythical | leg +4 def
Halfling Trick Bauble :    legendary -> epic | jewel invisibility
Horned Helmet of the Verbose Dragonslayer :    epic -> strong | head dragon slayer, +2 def
Jack's Gift :    common -> strong | jewel +10 hp
Jewel of Forgotten Revival :    strong -> common | jewel +12 hp recovery
Lizard on a Stick :    epic -> strong | usable poison spit
Locket of Lost Love :    common -> strong | jewel strong will
Mana Powered Heavy Drill :    epic -> strong | usable tunneling
Mesmerizing Necklace :    common -> strong | jewel inflict dazzled
Mundane Traveler's Cloak of Divine Joy :    strong -> legendary | torso 40% fire 40 frost 40 shock protection
Old Orcish Tower Shield :    epic -> strong | shield projectile resist, shield
Pendant of the Lightworker :    epic -> legendary | jewel true sight, +1 res, vision range upgrade
Pyromancer's Tinderbox :    epic -> strong | usable immolating touch
Rod of Lightning Charge :    legendary -> common | usable shocking bolts
Rusty Disk of Defense :    epic -> strong | shield shield, +1 def
Serious Shield of Austerity :    legendary -> epic | shield +1 def, +1 res
Shimmering Orb of Aldor :    legendary -> epic | jewel +2 res
Smooth Shield of the Wayward Clans :    legendary -> epic | shield shield, +2 def
Spear of the Jungle Dweller :    strong -> epic | weapon inflict severely poisoned, +1 physical melee strength, +1 blight melee strength
Trinket of the Moongate :    legendary -> epic | jewel phase
Wand of the Naga Mage :    legendary -> epic | usable naga fire
Armor of Divine Regeneration :    epic -> mythical | torso regrowth
Box of Blades :    strong -> common | usable throw blades
Cape of Rot :    mythical -> legendary | torso free movement, path of decay
Deathbringer's Medallion :    legendary -> epic | jewel shadow step
Fallen Gurock's Warpants :    strong -> common | leg +2 def, 20% blight weakness
Forged Frostling Shield :    common -> strong | shield +1 def, 20% frost protection
Frost Witch Staff :    legendary -> mythical | weapon castigate, grant frozen flame, 60% fire protection, 60% frost protection
Helmet of Primal Instinct :    epic -> common | head predator
Ice Scaper Gloves :    common -> strong | usable throw ice ball
Reaper's Hood :    legendary -> epic | head gas breath
Ritual Knife of the Unholy Gutter :    epic -> strong | weapon devour corpse
Shield of the Frosted Ark Raider :    epic -> legendary | shield +2 def, 80% frost protection
Shield of the Unfazed Mercenary :    strong -> common | shield shield
Sickle :    strong -> common | weapon bloodthirsty
Slacks of Sorcery :    legendary -> strong | leg +1 resistance, 20% shock protection
Spear of Justice :    strong -> epic | weapon +1 physical melee str, first strike, polearm
Sun Spear :    common -> strong | usable throw sun spear
Tigran Sandals of Speed :    common -> legendary | leg +4 MP

Stick of the Frost Witch (usable, frost bolts) is Strong (was Legendary)
Wand of Fiery Doom (usable, fire bolts) is Strong (was Legendary)

The following changes will be confirmed for v1.27 if no further feedback:
Summon Earth Elemental cannot be obtained as a reward in Sunken Cities any more

Shrine to the Skull Lord and Well of Souls are no longer "Treasure site" for the sake of Sanctified Sites, Animistic Knowledge and Magical Structures strategic spells (were Visit Structures but giving bonuses through these spells)

Floating does not give Cave Crawling any more (need 4 MP to move on Subterranean climate).

Engineers do 5 melee damage and 7/8 physical/fire Fire Blunderbuss damage and costs 65 gold and 10 mana (was 70 gold and 10 mana)

The extra cost due to extra abilities for Engineers is now 5 gold for Projectile Resistance for Dwarves (was 11), 5 gold for Sprint for Tigrans (was 10), 5 gold for Inflict Immolation for Draconians (was 10).

The following changes are considered for v1.27:
Independent Trolls, Naga Slither and Naga Guardian units with Regrowth get "Greedy": The unit costs +25% upkeep.

Pillar of the Stylite gives an additional +1 spirit damage against Flying units.Solar Spire gives +1 fire melee damage against Flying units.

Archdruid heroes can choose Call Ancestral Spirits at level 7 (was 5).
Call Ancestral Spirits costs 26 CP and mana (was 20).

Produce Engineer is Tier II and costs 140 RP, Produce Musketeer is Tier I and costs 60 RP (was the opposite).
Engineers are T2, have 45 HP, 11 defense, 9 resistance, costs 80 gold, 10 mana (was T1, 40 HP, 10 def, 8 res, 70 gold and 10 mana).
Musketeers are T1, have 36 HP, 10 defense, 8 resistance, costs 65 gold and 5 mana (was T2, 45 HP, 11 defense, 9 resistance, costs 80 gold and 10 mana).

== Misc ==
Check out the latest issue (#4) of the Stronghelm Globe: https://www.the-battlefield.c...

Published on Mon, 19 Nov 2018 21:35:38 +0100

== 2018 PBEM 2vs2 Tournament ==
20 days left until end of round.

== Balance ==
The following changes will be confirmed for v1.27 if no further feedback:
Items can now be found in sites corresponding to their rarity level or the level just above:
- Mythical sites: Mythical + Legendary
- Legendary sites: Legendary + Epic
- Epic sites: Epic + Strong
- Strong sites (see I1): Strong + Common
- Common sites (see I1): Common

Replenishing Bucket of Monkey Filth (use item, throw filth) is Strong (was Epic)

Silver Aegis Ring(jewel, 40% physical protection) is Mythical (was Legendary)

Dire Bear (mount +5 HP, devastating charge, bloodthirsty, inflict bleeding wounds) is Epic (was Legendary)

Accursed Helm of the Tower :    legendary -> mythical | head dragon slayer, giant slayer, 20% blight weakness, +2 def, +1 res, +1 vision range
Arm Cuff of the Spirit Slayer :    strong -> common | jewel +1 physical melee str, elemental slayer
Betrayer's Gift :    mythical -> legendary | weapon backstab(2x), +1 physical melee str
Blessed Totem of Health :    epic -> strong | usable +5hp, +12 hp recovery
Bone Wyvern :    legendary -> mythical | mount flying, inflict brain rot
Boots of the Shocking Snake Slayer :    epic -> legendary | leg 40% shock protection, +2 def
Buckler of the King's Guard :    strong -> epic | shield shield, +1 def, +1 res
Choker of the Great Matriarch :    legendary -> mythical | jewel 40% fire protection, 40% blight protection, +1 res, vision range upgrade
Cult of Storms Insignia :    epic -> legendary | jewel 80% shock protection, cave concealment, +1 res
Darkbringer Gemstone :    strong -> common | jewel urban concealment
Dragor's Swordcatcher :    legendary -> epic | shield shield, +2 def
Eternal Fire Cape :    mythical -> legendary | torso fire aura, +1 def
Fire Wyvern :    legendary -> mythical | mount 40% fire protection, flying
Flametongue Sword :    mythical -> legendary | weapon overwhelm, +3 fire melee str
Friendly Beggar's Shoes :    strong -> epic | leg bringer of goodwill
Frost Wyvern :    legendary -> mythical | mount 40% frost protection, flying
Grar's Plate Greaves :    legendary -> mythical | leg +4 def
Halfling Trick Bauble :    legendary -> epic | jewel invisibility
Horned Helmet of the Verbose Dragonslayer :    epic -> strong | head dragon slayer, +2 def
Jack's Gift :    common -> strong | jewel +10 hp
Jewel of Forgotten Revival :    strong -> common | jewel +12 hp recovery
Lizard on a Stick :    epic -> strong | usable poison spit
Locket of Lost Love :    common -> strong | jewel strong will
Mana Powered Heavy Drill :    epic -> strong | usable tunneling
Mesmerizing Necklace :    common -> strong | jewel inflict dazzled
Mundane Traveler's Cloak of Divine Joy :    strong -> legendary | torso 40% fire 40 frost 40 shock protection
Old Orcish Tower Shield :    epic -> strong | shield projectile resist, shield
Pendant of the Lightworker :    epic -> legendary | jewel true sight, +1 res, vision range upgrade
Pyromancer's Tinderbox :    epic -> strong | usable immolating touch
Rod of Lightning Charge :    legendary -> common | usable shocking bolts
Rusty Disk of Defense :    epic -> strong | shield shield, +1 def
Serious Shield of Austerity :    legendary -> epic | shield +1 def, +1 res
Shimmering Orb of Aldor :    legendary -> epic | jewel +2 res
Smooth Shield of the Wayward Clans :    legendary -> epic | shield shield, +2 def
Spear of the Jungle Dweller :    strong -> epic | weapon inflict severely poisoned, +1 physical melee strength, +1 blight melee strength
Trinket of the Moongate :    legendary -> epic | jewel phase
Wand of the Naga Mage :    legendary -> epic | usable naga fire
Armor of Divine Regeneration :    epic -> mythical | torso regrowth
Box of Blades :    strong -> common | usable throw blades
Cape of Rot :    mythical -> legendary | torso free movement, path of decay
Deathbringer's Medallion :    legendary -> epic | jewel shadow step
Fallen Gurock's Warpants :    strong -> common | leg +2 def, 20% blight weakness
Forged Frostling Shield :    common -> strong | shield +1 def, 20% frost protection
Frost Witch Staff :    legendary -> mythical | weapon castigate, grant frozen flame, 60% fire protection, 60% frost protection
Helmet of Primal Instinct :    epic -> common | head predator
Ice Scaper Gloves :    common -> strong | usable throw ice ball
Reaper's Hood :    legendary -> epic | head gas breath
Ritual Knife of the Unholy Gutter :    epic -> strong | weapon devour corpse
Shield of the Frosted Ark Raider :    epic -> legendary | shield +2 def, 80% frost protection
Shield of the Unfazed Mercenary :    strong -> common | shield shield
Sickle :    strong -> common | weapon bloodthirsty
Slacks of Sorcery :    legendary -> strong | leg +1 resistance, 20% shock protection
Spear of Justice :    strong -> epic | weapon +1 physical melee str, first strike, polearm
Sun Spear :    common -> strong | usable throw sun spear
Tigran Sandals of Speed :    common -> legendary | leg +4 MP

Stick of the Frost Witch (usable, frost bolts) is Strong (was Legendary)
Wand of Fiery Doom (usable, fire bolts) is Strong (was Legendary)

The following changes are considered for v1.27:
Independent Trolls, Naga Slither and Naga Guardian units with Regrowth get "Greedy": The unit costs +25% upkeep.

Summon Earth Elemental cannot be obtained as a reward in Sunken Cities any more

Shrine to the Skull Lord and Well of Souls are no longer "Treasure site" for the sake of Sanctified Sites, Animistic Knowledge and Magical Structures strategic spells (were Visit Structures but giving bonuses through these spells)

Floating does not give Cave Crawling any more (need 4 MP to move on Subterranean climate).

Pillar of the Stylite gives an additional +1 spirit damage against Flying units.Solar Spire gives +1 fire melee damage against Flying units.

Archdruid heroes can choose Call Ancestral Spirits at level 7 (was 5).
Call Ancestral Spirits costs 26 CP and mana (was 20).

Engineers do 5 melee damage and 7/8 physical/fire Fire Blunderbuss damage and costs 65 gold and 10 mana (was 70 gold and 10 mana)

The extra cost due to extra abilities for Engineers is now 5 gold for Projectile Resistance for Dwarves (was 11), 5 gold for Sprint for Tigrans (was 10), 5 gold for Inflict Immolation for Draconians (was 10).

Produce Engineer is Tier II and costs 140 RP, Produce Musketeer is Tier I and costs 60 RP (was the opposite).
Engineers are T2, have 45 HP, 11 defense, 9 resistance, costs 80 gold, 10 mana (was T1, 40 HP, 10 def, 8 res, 70 gold and 10 mana).
Musketeers are T1, have 36 HP, 10 defense, 8 resistance, costs 65 gold and 5 mana (was T2, 45 HP, 11 defense, 9 resistance, costs 80 gold and 10 mana).

Published on Sun, 11 Nov 2018 15:18:47 +0100

== 2018 PBEM 2vs2 Tournament ==
3 matches completed (including 1 still to report).
28 days left until the end of round. At least 1 match will have some extra time due to delayed start because of a team quitting.

Reminder: round 2 will be played with v1.26 of the balance mod.

== 2017 PBEM Duel Tournament ==
Check out the latest article: Interview of Hiliadan - 3rd of the 2017 PBEM Duel Tournament

== 2016 PBEM 2vs2 Tournament ==
Congratulations to Coup de Grâce who won the tournament!

== Balance ==
@SeeR: Regrowth was not modified (and in the end, I think you found out the issue was not linked to a bug with Regrowth?).

The following changes are considered for v1.27:
Items can now be found in sites corresponding to their rarity level or the level just above:
- Mythical sites: Mythical + Legendary
- Legendary sites: Legendary + Epic
- Epic sites: Epic + Strong
- Strong sites (see I1): Strong + Common
- Common sites (see I1): Common

Replenishing Bucket of Monkey Filth (use item, throw filth) is Strong (was Epic)

Silver Aegis Ring(jewel, 40% physical protection) is Mythical (was Legendary)

Dire Bear (mount +5 HP, devastating charge, bloodthirsty, inflict bleeding wounds) is Epic (was Legendary)

Accursed Helm of the Tower :    legendary -> mythical | head dragon slayer, giant slayer, 20% blight weakness, +2 def, +1 res, +1 vision range
Arm Cuff of the Spirit Slayer :    strong -> common | jewel +1 physical melee str, elemental slayer
Betrayer's Gift :    mythical -> legendary | weapon backstab(2x), +1 physical melee str
Blessed Totem of Health :    epic -> strong | usable +5hp, +12 hp recovery
Bone Wyvern :    legendary -> mythical | mount flying, inflict brain rot
Boots of the Shocking Snake Slayer :    epic -> legendary | leg 40% shock protection, +2 def
Buckler of the King's Guard :    strong -> epic | shield shield, +1 def, +1 res
Choker of the Great Matriarch :    legendary -> mythical | jewel 40% fire protection, 40% blight protection, +1 res, vision range upgrade
Cult of Storms Insignia :    epic -> legendary | jewel 80% shock protection, cave concealment, +1 res
Darkbringer Gemstone :    strong -> common | jewel urban concealment
Dragor's Swordcatcher :    legendary -> epic | shield shield, +2 def
Eternal Fire Cape :    mythical -> legendary | torso fire aura, +1 def
Fire Wyvern :    legendary -> mythical | mount 40% fire protection, flying
Flametongue Sword :    mythical -> legendary | weapon overwhelm, +3 fire melee str
Friendly Beggar's Shoes :    strong -> epic | leg bringer of goodwill
Frost Wyvern :    legendary -> mythical | mount 40% frost protection, flying
Grar's Plate Greaves :    legendary -> mythical | leg +4 def
Halfling Trick Bauble :    legendary -> epic | jewel invisibility
Horned Helmet of the Verbose Dragonslayer :    epic -> strong | head dragon slayer, +2 def
Jack's Gift :    common -> strong | jewel +10 hp
Jewel of Forgotten Revival :    strong -> common | jewel +12 hp recovery
Lizard on a Stick :    epic -> strong | usable poison spit
Locket of Lost Love :    common -> strong | jewel strong will
Mana Powered Heavy Drill :    epic -> strong | usable tunneling
Mesmerizing Necklace :    common -> strong | jewel inflict dazzled
Mundane Traveler's Cloak of Divine Joy :    strong -> legendary | torso 40% fire 40 frost 40 shock protection
Old Orcish Tower Shield :    epic -> strong | shield projectile resist, shield
Pendant of the Lightworker :    epic -> legendary | jewel true sight, +1 res, vision range upgrade
Pyromancer's Tinderbox :    epic -> strong | usable immolating touch
Rod of Lightning Charge :    legendary -> common | usable shocking bolts
Rusty Disk of Defense :    epic -> strong | shield shield, +1 def
Serious Shield of Austerity :    legendary -> epic | shield +1 def, +1 res
Shimmering Orb of Aldor :    legendary -> epic | jewel +2 res
Smooth Shield of the Wayward Clans :    legendary -> epic | shield shield, +2 def
Spear of the Jungle Dweller :    strong -> epic | weapon inflict severely poisoned, +1 physical melee strength, +1 blight melee strength
Trinket of the Moongate :    legendary -> epic | jewel phase
Wand of the Naga Mage :    legendary -> epic | usable naga fire
Armor of Divine Regeneration :    epic -> mythical | torso regrowth
Box of Blades :    strong -> common | usable throw blades
Cape of Rot :    mythical -> legendary | torso free movement, path of decay
Deathbringer's Medallion :    legendary -> epic | jewel shadow step
Fallen Gurock's Warpants :    strong -> common | leg +2 def, 20% blight weakness
Forged Frostling Shield :    common -> strong | shield +1 def, 20% frost protection
Frost Witch Staff :    legendary -> mythical | weapon castigate, grant frozen flame, 60% fire protection, 60% frost protection
Helmet of Primal Instinct :    epic -> common | head predator
Ice Scaper Gloves :    common -> strong | usable throw ice ball
Reaper's Hood :    legendary -> epic | head gas breath
Ritual Knife of the Unholy Gutter :    epic -> strong | weapon devour corpse
Shield of the Frosted Ark Raider :    epic -> legendary | shield +2 def, 80% frost protection
Shield of the Unfazed Mercenary :    strong -> common | shield shield
Sickle :    strong -> common | weapon bloodthirsty
Slacks of Sorcery :    legendary -> strong | leg +1 resistance, 20% shock protection
Spear of Justice :    strong -> epic | weapon +1 physical melee str, first strike, polearm
Sun Spear :    common -> strong | usable throw sun spear
Tigran Sandals of Speed :    common -> legendary | leg +4 MP

Stick of the Frost Witch (usable, frost bolts) is Strong (was Legendary)
Wand of Fiery Doom (usable, fire bolts) is Strong (was Legendary)

Published on Mon, 05 Nov 2018 02:56:13 +0100

Just lost a nice unit due to Regrowth not working.

was there some nerf to Regrowth Shrine Regrowth in the most recent balance mod ?

not nice in a tournament game to find this out

Published on Wed, 24 Oct 2018 23:26:18 +0200
System notification

Information 2018 PBEM Tournament Player Pool
Tussell quitted!

Published on Sun, 21 Oct 2018 15:18:38 +0200

== 2018 PBEM 2vs2 Tournament ==
All matches have started. 1 already finished. The others are (or should be) around turn 15-20.
49 days left before end of round.

Reminder for round 2: please update your playtime in My Account / My Playtime. Then you will be able to use the "Refresh the turn order based on everyone's latest playtime" in the game blog of round 2, to choose the best turn order to optimize the game, so that you can possibly do 1 full turn (of all 4 players) in 24 hours.

== 2017 PBEM Duel Tournament ==
Congratulations to gabthegab who finally won the tournament!
Congratz to Jean for his #2 rank!

Interviews of the top 3 players to be released soon.

== 2016 PBEM 2vs2 Tournament ==
The 2nd part of the interview of The green elephant (Jean de Metz and Melciar) released, check it out, interesting insights into how Jean and Melciar worked in team and how they felt through the tournament.

Published on Mon, 01 Oct 2018 22:10:38 +0200

== 2018 PBEM 2vs2 Tournament ==
6 out of 8 games have started and 69 days are left before the end of the round.

2 teams had to be replaced so the new reserve list is:
#1 - Loki and Dev

Elio would also be interested in finding a team mate as Pobez had to quit following IRL issues. I think the only other player interested but without team was Thorgal.
Please get in touch with Elio (Eliomephijas) if you'd like to partner with him. I think there are still good chances that we'll need one extra team, based on the experience from the rate of drop out of previous tourneys.

v1.26 of the balance mod will probably be used for round 2 of the tournament.

== Balance ==
An article presenting the changes of v1.25 was finally released, sorry for the delay. Check it out to know everything about the version currently used for round 1 of the 2vs2 Tourney.

There will be an update on the main branch tomorrow to fix an issue with Dread Reapers' Path of Decay (it was not using the new Path of Decay).
Please avoid Save & Quit tomorrow. Or if you do, please do not update your mods until you have finished the turn, otherwise you won't be able to enter your turn any more. If you need to downgrade to be able to finish the turn, please use the Dropbox folder to get the previous version: Ask in the chat if you need help.

== Videos ==
I uploaded all the turns of AoW3 2017 PBEM Duel Tourney – Round 9 (SEMI FINAL!): Hiliadan (Draconian Sorcerer) vs gabthegab (Human Theocrat) on YouTube, check out the playlist, the last few videos will be made public at the rate of about 3 every 1 or 2 day.

== Misc ==
Triumph released 1.802 with 3 bug fixes, including 2 to help the team working on the Shadow Realm Community Expansion. If you haven't yet, remember to check the article about the Shadow Realm Community Expansion. The article was about the move to closed beta. Open beta should be launched soon.

For players on GoG (Lightform, Fluksen, me, and maybe a few others), we'll probably have to wait a couple of days before getting the update, so our games will probably have to wait before they can continue.

Published on Thu, 27 Sep 2018 13:55:46 +0200
System notification

Information 2018 PBEM Tournament Player Pool
Vince777 joined !!

Published on Mon, 17 Sep 2018 20:31:18 +0200

== 2018 PBEM 2vs2 Tournament ==
The tournament was officially launched yesterday! Please find the roster here: https://www.the-battlefield.c... />
@all teams: please send your class/race for round 1 to judges: Marcuspers and myself. (don't send it to us if you're fighting vs us ) Remember you can't repick a class or a race once you've used it in a previous round, check the rules for more details.

The hosts are the teams first in the game blog (which are also on top in the roster). @hosts: please post screenshots of the settings in windowed mode in your game blog. Settings can be found in the rules section.

The SDNR mod was updated 2 days ago, please remember to update it before hosting or joining.

Good luck to all! The round will last about 83 days.

Reserve list:
#1 - Ezekiel and AlXStormrage
#2 - xlnt and Henrysix

== Balance ==
The changelog of v1.26 is confirmed:
De06 is dropped for now as it seems technically unfeasible.

== Misc ==
Do you also love Amazons? What is your opinion on the AoWlanetfall factions?

Published on Mon, 10 Sep 2018 00:13:19 +0200

== 2018 PBEM 2vs2 Tournament ==
We have 1 slot left and 2 teams interested as far as I know:
- $eeR and Lck
- Ezekiel and AlXStormrage

The following players are also looking for teams:
- xlnt
- Henrysix
- Thorgal

First come first served for the last slot: https://www.the-battlefield.c... then "Join". The other team will get to the reserve list, starting with the confirmed team above which didn't manage to register first.

Prize: more than 60€ have been donated so far. The tournament is free as all tournaments here and donation is totally voluntary so no worries if you don't want to involve money at all. If you want to donate to 1/ contribute to covering the costs of the BF website (which are low and mostly covered by LAN fees actually), 2/ help cover the costs of the Shadow Demon models for the Shadow Realm Community Expansion (see prize section for details), 3/ have a chance to win the "lucky prize" and/or win some small goodies for the winners, then you could do that when you registered if you are "team captain", and you received a private message (and email copy if activated) with a link to do it if you are not the "team captain". For the persons who did not register the team, please let me know if you haven't the link and would still like to donate. Donations will stop being accepted after the tournament starts (15 September). More in the prize section.
(BTW, @rrrrookie: sorry for the delay for your lucky prize in last tournament, quite busy but will be dealt with soon)

Rules: please make sure to read the rules of the tournament, including the settings.
In particular, please check rule 5 and start thinking about your combos!
"5. A player can never play a class or race that he/she played in all his/her previous matches (so you can play Goblin only once in the whole tournament, you can play Sorcerer only once, etc.). This rule applies to players individually, so the class/race choice of each player is totally independent from his team mate’s choices. As there are only 7 classes, after your 7th match, the “counter is reset”, i.e. you can play all the class/race again. However, in your 8th match, you cannot play the class or the race that you played in your 7th match.
BEFORE the match, you must let the Judges (but not your opponents) know what class and race you will play for your upcoming match by private message in the Battlefield website."

== Videos ==
I started releasing videos of the semi-finale of the 2017 Duel Tournament, check out the playlist: AoW3 2017 PBEM Duel Tourney – Round 9 (SEMI FINAL!): Hiliadan (Draconian Sorcerer) vs gabthegab (Human Theocrat).

== Balance ==
These changes are confirmed for v1.26:
Kwapa starts with Swimming (was 2 free UP), Falenas starts with Fel Horse (was 2 free UP), Nashac starts with Free Movement (was 2 free UP).

True Resurrect cannot target the cadaver of enemy units with Mind-Control Immunity and gives "Mind-controlled" to enemy units it resurrects (+25% upkeep) (Greater Resurrect, 25CP working only on allied units can still work on MCI and does not give Mind-controlled).

The following change will be confirmed for v1.26 if no further feedback:
Scorched Earth causes -50 race happiness with the race of the city on which it is cast

== Misc ==
New poll on AoW: PF: What is your opinion on the AoWlanetfall factions?

The Battlefield community website is proud to give you all the collected knowledge on AoW: PF! The article will be regularly updated.

The Stronghelm Globe #3 has been released by Fluksen, check out:
- an interview of Marcus
- war diaries from a
- a description of a bundle of AI mods by JollyJoker
- an article on Planetfall
- tournament standings

You can find the 2 previous issues in the News / Stronghelm Globe section of the Battlefield.

Published on Wed, 05 Sep 2018 08:47:17 +0200

Can you please save a spot for me and Dev. He is going to create an account

Published on Mon, 03 Sep 2018 01:07:06 +0200
System notification

Information 2018 PBEM Tournament Player Pool
IIaanor quitted!

Published on Sat, 01 Sep 2018 00:10:07 +0200

== 2018 PBEM 2vs2 Tournament ==
13 teams, missing 3 (but 1 more said it would join):
- rockem4053 & Elio

Also these players potentially looking for teams:
- Loki
- $eeR
- Thorgal
- Ezekiel

== Balance ==
v1.25 has been released on the main branch!

The following changes will be confirmed for v1.26 if no further feedback:
Kwapa starts with Swimming (was 2 free UP), Falenas starts with Fel Horse (was 2 free UP), Nashac starts with Free Movement (was 2 free UP).

True Resurrect cannot target the cadaver of enemy units with Mind-Control Immunity and gives "Mind-controlled" to enemy units it resurrects (+25% upkeep) (Greater Resurrect, 25CP working only on allied units can still work on MCI and does not give Mind-controlled).

The following changes are considered for v1.26:
Scorched Earth causes -50 race happiness with the race of the city on which it is cast

Published on Fri, 31 Aug 2018 02:31:51 +0200

still reserve right to announce partner last minut but will enter a CREW in this shindig

Published on Sun, 26 Aug 2018 18:55:06 +0200

== 2018 PBEM 2vs2 Tournament ==
Registrations are still open! Click on the "Join" button here: https://www.the-battlefield.c... />
11 teams now registered and 4 more said they would join:
- Loki and $eeR
- rrrrookie & phirpo
- rockem4053 & Elio
- SleepingDog & personian

The tournament should start around 15 September.

== 2017 PBEM Duel Tournament ==
Congratz to gabthegab for beating me!
The finale is a rematch of round 6 with Jean de Metz facing gabthegab, good luck to both of them!

Waiting for v1.25 to launch the match.

== Balance ==
Zaskow has been away for about a week so I am not sure when v1.25 will be released on the main branch.

The following changes are considered for v1.26:
Kwapa starts with Swimming (was 2 free UP), Falenas starts with Fel Horse (was 2 free UP), Nashac starts with Free Movement (was 2 free UP).

True Resurrect cannot target the cadaver of enemy units with Mind-Control Immunity and gives "Mind-controlled" to enemy units it resurrects (+25% upkeep) (Greater Resurrect, 25CP working only on allied units can still work on MCI and does not give Mind-controlled).

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