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 Forums Support  >> About PBEM/Hotseat Games / Turn order

Sun, 13 Sep 15 17:17:46 +0200

Here you can find a manual about Creating a game-blog 
and optimizing the turn order

Before you get started with a game, you need to set your playtime:
My Account -> My Playtime

Direct Link -> index.php?page=changeplaytime

Set your timezone and your playtime.
For example 18 - 24 (18 o'clock - 24 o'clock)

All players have to update their playtime in order to have an accurate turn order later on.
The playtime of other players will be displayed in your own timezone.

Now you can create your game (please select PBEM / hotseat game as the "Kind of game")

Direct Link> index.php?page=bfmgames&bfmnew=1

Each time a new player joins, a new turn order will be computed.
After the last player joins, the game status will be automatically updated to "ongoing" (you can look for ongoing games in Games -> Ongoing games)

At the top of the gaming blog, you will now see the best turn order for players in the game.

If some people update their playtime after joining, the host can click on "Refresh the turn order based on everyone's latest playtime" to get an updated turn order automatically.
If the host is not happy with the proposed turn order, he host can manually change positions (Pos) by typing new positions, such as 5-1-2-3-4 and then validating.

File 15timezone1.PNG
File 15timezone2.PNG
File 15timezone3.PNG
File 15timezone4.PNG
File 15timezone5.PNG
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