Welcome to the AOW3 Players  FFA Ranking! All Results achieved in League are counted in this Ranking!

# Nickname Points Games WinRatio Result Players defeated Defeated by Players
18 personian748450 %(2 | 4)WLLW22
19 Deckdisz771560 %(3 | 5)WLWWL32
20 Tasslehoff751450 %(2 | 4)LWLW22
21 redrum687722100 %(2 | 2)WW20
22 orlyzzz755450 %(2 | 4)LWWL22
23 jabst7722100 %(2 | 2)WW20
24 Ratguard775560 %(3 | 5)WWWLL32
25 Nemesis_Zero775475 %(3 | 4)WWWL31
26 ehall207783100 %(3 | 3)WWW30
27 HellBrick789560 %(3 | 5)WWLWL32
28 bbqsauceomgwtf808771 %(5 | 7)WWLWL52
29 Sjow820771 %(5 | 7)WWWWW52
30 Saunatonttu843785 %(6 | 7)WWWLW61
31 Azazir868875 %(6 | 8)LWWWL62
32 Lck790650 %(3 | 6)LLWWL33
33 AbedNego799850 %(4 | 8)LLWLL44
34 Zytozid807850 %(4 | 8)WLWLW44
35 Warlord Keldon777742 %(3 | 7)WWLWL34
36 Travastila8771163 %(7 | 11)WWWWL74
37 Fistandantilus783742 %(3 | 7)WWLLL34

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