Current game Global Strategy game (Organisator AlXStormrage) - PBEM Game

When everyone knows the values (classes / races, leaders) of others or at the end of the game, the values can be updated on this page, which will feed the meta statistics (please avoid revealing your or other player’s values when it may provide strategic information to your opponents).

Pos: Players name: Playtime ClassesRacesTeam Rate
1 AlXStormrage20:00-0:001here
2 Longinus13:00-16:002here
3 $eeR17:00-21:003here
4 Badger18:00-0:004here
5 MARKYMARK18:00-0:005here
6 Moridin18:00-22:006here
7 personian9:00-22:007here
8 El_Lobo19:00-0:008here
Published on Tue, 21 May 2019 16:19:21 +0200

Thanks for the feedback.  
To answer your questions & provide some feedback:

1. I'm on a windows machine.
2. I haven't adjusted the turn order, for what it's worth--only tried to join slot 1, many times. ;-)
3. I do have a lot of installed mods, and perhaps there's an issue there. But at the beginning I tried to join without having any mods enabled & it still crashed.
4. I'll try toggling the debug mode & see if that helps.
5. I did join another game last night, without issue. (although it was vanilla)
6. I am currently active with other games having mods.

I'll give things some more tries today & let you know how things go.  Is the situation with the re-order such that the game needs to be rehosted as MarcusPers said? Or are we not worried about that.

Published on Tue, 21 May 2019 11:28:12 +0200

Actually, I did not tried to adjust the turn order. Unless personian tried to do so himself?

Published on Tue, 21 May 2019 09:38:47 +0200

If you have changed the turn order since people joined, this is a know bug.
I.e. if someone joined in position 2 and you then tried to optimize the order based on play time.

You can then only rehost to fix it.

Published on Tue, 21 May 2019 09:34:52 +0200

personian, perhaps there's some conflict with the mods previously installed? perhaps the reinstall to the vanilla version first would do the trick? 
Also do you have win or apple machines? debug mode might help in the sense we could try to send it to the devs.

Published on Tue, 21 May 2019 08:33:42 +0200

I joined without enabling all the mods and it worked fine. Havn't had an issue like the one you described. Can't help you and have no idea why it won't work. Try to enable/disable the debug mode.

Published on Tue, 21 May 2019 07:16:46 +0200

Damn, still no luck. I've triple-checked the mods I have installed.  I did try to do it as well on my laptop (quickly, without the mods) and got the same problem--game just disappears when I hit "select" once I'm in a slot.

Not sure what to do.  I'm especially curious as to why I'm the only one of the 8 here to have this problem...on two different machines no less.  I'm obviously doing something wrong, but I have no idea what it is. :-(

Published on Tue, 21 May 2019 06:54:28 +0200

I'm actually having a problem joining.  I can join the game and choose my slot, but then when I hit "select" to select race/class, the game breaks & sends me back to the desktop.

I Thought this might be because I was coming in without the mods, but just now I installed & selected all the mods, but the game still breaks.

Has anyone experienced this problem?  Might it be because I'm not selecting all the correct mods?

I'll keep fiddling with it in the meantime to see if I can get through.

Published on Mon, 20 May 2019 21:48:10 +0200


it seems you didn't join properly (it appears as "Not ready" against your name).
I believe Seer should join us shortly

Published on Mon, 20 May 2019 13:50:50 +0200

I'll join this evening. :-)

Published on Mon, 20 May 2019 12:26:47 +0200

ping, ping - game created, awaiting for everyone to join <smiletext0>

Published on Fri, 17 May 2019 23:45:04 +0200

Game is hosted, the password is: ilovenecro

turn order can be somewhat like this (I tried to optimize turn order, but up to you if you want to follow it):

1. Personian
2. Seer
3. Longinus
4. Moridin
6. AlX
7/8. El_Lobo/Nemesis_Zero

Let me know if there are any issues

Published on Fri, 17 May 2019 14:56:35 +0200

Looking forward to that game. I think we'll need years to finish it. ^^

Published on Fri, 17 May 2019 14:31:11 +0200

Great, we're 8-players now! <smiletext0> 
I'll create game today in the evening. 

Please remember to not pick Necro (because it's not compatible with the Attirition mod), cause if you do, I'll kick you later on, when you'll be few turns in the game
Alliances are not prohibited (at least to some point), but I hope we won't have 7 players mobbing against 1
Also, if you see that you're loosing the game (or interest in the game) and want to quit - please don't stall turns, but rather just burn your remaining cities and then surrender.
All-in-all I hope that everyone here is interested to have a great game <smiletext0>

Published on Fri, 17 May 2019 14:21:31 +0200
System notification

Global Strategy game
Ever wondered what would the game be like if the simple rush wouldn't decide the game outcome? want to have a long game, where you are able to fight with multiple armies at several fronts, have enemies in layer below and layer above you? 
Well, here is something fun to try out <smiletext0> 
I have been playing with some mods lately and got some ideas for epic strategy game, game will be hosted soon, here are the map settings.
Map = Large & 8-layer UG Continents map (yep, 7-layer UG + the top map ) with Water reduced to about 20% , UG walls both reduced to 20% 
Defender Strength = Very Strong 
Village Start , weak start units.  Far start distance , few roads , few city , Avg Dwellings. Rest Avg settings. 
Advanced Settings - Hero Resurgence off , Max heros = Leader + 5 max level 30  
Cosmic Events Hard 
Start Skills = Few 
Start Resource = Hard 
Game pace = something below the average (will think bit later about it)
Mods included
1. Dark Elf Dwelling 
2. Old Man & Sea 
3. Beastman Dwelling 
4. Gloweyes Compatablity Patch 
5. Storm Dragon 
6. Storm Giant 
7. Bone & Obsidian Dragons in Peak 
8. Mystical Dwelling Upgrades 
9. Black Dwarves 
10. Structure Reward Variety 
11. PBEM balance mod 
12. Racial Heritage mod 
13. Racial Watchtowers 
14. V-mod Custom Heros 
15. Extended Settings Mod 
16.  Empire Building Mod 
17. Super Dynamic Structure Generation 
18. Extra Support Units 
19. Epic Hero Levels ( scaled version )
20. 8 Layers mod 
21. Attirition, Forage and Supply v2 
I've tested the game settings on my pc, should work out (went up to day 61 in single game). 
If you have interest, we can make teams in the game, though I think roaming alone would be much more fun <smiletext0>
Hope you'll find it just as fun as I do and we'll have a great game <smiletext0>

P.S. The game should be pretty long, additionally I won't put turn timer, but expect the turns to be made at least once a week.

Published on Fri, 17 May 2019 14:21:31 +0200
System notification

Information Global Strategy game
Longinus joined !!

Published on Fri, 17 May 2019 09:27:09 +0200

I believe we already agreed that we'll ban necro? (e.g. players are not allowed to pick it) or am I wrong? 

about additional mod, I have not tested the game with this mod, therefore a bit reluctant to use it... although, if anyone can test with all the mods and the additional one - I'm all for it <smiletext0> (though I suspect with the Attirition and Forage mod, these neutral armies will die quickly <smiletext0>)

Published on Fri, 17 May 2019 09:18:00 +0200

What about the mod : Link

Published on Thu, 16 May 2019 18:52:36 +0200

Hi there, i could convince a friend ... i will ask him later this day.

Published on Thu, 16 May 2019 18:48:47 +0200

agree for me, or someone convince a friend…..but waiting is wasting time....think so. 

Published on Thu, 16 May 2019 17:08:31 +0200

For my part I think we should just start.  7 players is beyond plenty already, especially if you want this match to be "epic". ;-)

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