

Last seen:

3 days ago



Player's team:



Excellent player 71%
71% Excellent player
Fair player 28%
28% Fair player
Regular player 0%
0% Regular player
Dont play this player 0%
0% Dont play this player
Bad player 0%
0% Bad player
Total participants: 7

More details


Excellent Player! 28%
28% Excellent Player!
Strong Player! 0%
0% Strong Player!
Good Player! 28%
28% Good Player!
Average Player! 42%
42% Average Player!
Weak Player / Newbee! 0%
0% Weak Player / Newbee!
Total participants: 7

More Details

First match: 2009-07-29
Last match: 2022-09-15

Statistics for league Age of Wonders 3:

League active since (- until): 2014-10-11 - 2022-09-15

Matches: 156

Wins: 48 Losses: 89 Draws (no winner): 19

First match: 2014-10-11 Last match: 2022-09-15

Opponents defeated: 107 Losses against opponents: 182

Player lost against Griffith (Dreadnought ) | 5
Player lost against BLACKCAT (Theocrat ) | 2
Player lost against Ariga (Sorcerer ) | 5
Player lost against Antarion (Warlord ) | 2
Player lost against Zak0r (Warlord Halflings ) | 4
Player won against TheLegendaryBen (Theocrat Halflings ) | 2
Player lost against Griffith (Warlord Tigrans ) | 4
Player lost against Hiliadan (Dreadnought Dwarves ) | 2
Player lost against SpiritSeeker (Theocrat Halflings ) | 6
Player won against gladis EarL1893 (Theocrat Tigrans ) | 4
Player lost against Hannibal2000 gladis EarL1893 (Warlord Tigrans ) | 6
Player lost against gabthegab (Necromancer Frostlings ) | 2
Player lost against gabthegab (Rogue Orcs ) | 4
Player lost against gladis EarL1893 (Rogue Orcs ) | 5
Player won against EarL1893 gladis (Rogue Orcs ) | 5
Player won against gladis BLACKCAT Albaron (Warlord Tigrans ) | 5
Player lost against Fistandantilus Warlord Keldon (Theocrat Tigrans ) | 4
Player lost against Fistandantilus Tasslehoff Warlord Keldon (Warlord Elves ) | 6
Player won against Castaneda (Warlord Halflings ) | 2
Player lost against Forever Random (Sorcerer Draconians ) | 2
Player lost against Eskild (Theocrat Halflings ) | 4
Player lost against EarL1893 gladis (Sorcerer Draconians ) | 4
Player lost against EarL1893 gladis (Sorcerer Draconians ) | 4
Player lost against gladis EarL1893 (Dreadnought Draconians ) | 4
Player lost against AlXStormrage (Necromancer Dwarves ) | 2
Player won against BLACKCAT EarL1893 (Sorcerer Draconians ) | 4
Player lost against BLACKCAT EarL1893 cbower (Theocrat Halflings ) | 6
Player won against Forever Random (Theocrat Draconians ) | 2
Player won against Warlord Keldon Tasslehoff Mr. Hawk Fistandantilus (Rogue Orcs ) | 8
Player lost against Eskild (Theocrat Draconians ) | 2
Player won against gladis BLACKCAT (Theocrat Draconians ) | 4
Player lost against Eskild (Theocrat Halflings ) | 6
Player lost against DreadReapr hunterking555 (Rogue Orcs ) | 4
Player lost against gladis (Dreadnought Elves ) | 4
Player won against Castaneda (Warlord Tigrans ) | 2
Player lost against Eskild (Archdruid Draconians ) | 2
Player lost against cbower (Warlord Halflings ) | 8
Player lost against EarL1893 (Necromancer Humans ) | 4
Player lost against Eskild (Necromancer Dwarves ) | 4
Player lost against cbower EarL1893 BLACKCAT (Necromancer Dwarves ) | 6
Player lost against Jonny Thunder (Archdruid Halflings ) | 5
Player lost against Tasslehoff Fistandantilus Mr. Hawk Warlord Keldon (Warlord Halflings ) | 8
Player won against hunterking555 (unknown unknown ) | 2
Player won against Thorgal (Sorcerer Draconians ) | 2
Player lost against Melciar (Rogue Orcs ) | 2
Player lost against Jean_de_Metz (Archdruid Halflings ) | 2
Player won against Thorgal Deckdisz Counterbore (Dreadnought Elves ) | 4
Player lost against Jean_de_Metz gladis (Sorcerer Humans ) | 5
Player lost against marcuspers Melciar Evgendil Jean_de_Metz (Archdruid Halflings ) | 8
Player lost against Melciar Jean_de_Metz (Warlord Dwarves ) | 4
Player lost against Gilafron Olop (Theocrat Draconians ) | 4
Player won against gladis EarL1893 (Theocrat Tigrans ) | 4
Player lost against gladis EarL1893 (Warlord Frostlings ) | 4
Player lost against EarL1893 (Archdruid Dwarves ) | 4
Player lost against Mr. Hawk Tasslehoff (Rogue Orcs ) | 4
Player lost against marcuspers (Rogue Draconians ) | 2
Player lost against Jean_de_Metz (Theocrat Halflings ) | 2
Player lost against DarkRider (Warlord Dwarves ) | 2
Player lost against AlXStormrage Ezekiel (Theocrat Draconians ) | 4
Player lost against gladis (Theocrat Draconians ) | 5
Player lost against rickyroo222 (Sorcerer Draconians ) | 2
Player lost against Tussell (Rogue Orcs ) | 8
Player lost against BLACKCAT Castaneda gladis (Theocrat Halflings ) | 6
Player lost against Zytozid (Warlord Halflings ) | 2
Player won against lolek (Sorcerer Draconians ) | 2
Player lost against Zytozid (Necromancer Goblins ) | 2
Player won against Stephen122334 (unknown unknown ) | 2
Player lost against lolek (Dreadnought Dwarves ) | 2
Player lost against EarL1893 gladis (Dreadnought Frostlings ) | 4
Player won against lolek (unknown unknown ) | 2
Player lost against Travastila (Warlord Dwarves ) | 2
Player won against Thorgal (Archdruid Dwarves ) | 2
Player lost against phirpo (Sorcerer Elves ) | 2
Player won against Thorgal (Sorcerer Elves ) | 2
Player won against Thorgal (Archdruid Dwarves ) | 2
Player won against Thorgal (Theocrat Halflings ) | 2
Player lost against phirpo Lightform (Theocrat Dwarves ) | 4
Player lost against Thorgal (Dreadnought Elves ) | 2
Player lost against Thorgal (Necromancer Dwarves ) | 2
Player lost against BLACKCAT Fluksen gladis (Warlord Draconians ) | 6
Player lost against rickyroo222 Lightform (Archdruid Halflings ) | 8
Player lost against DreadReapr marcuspers (Necromancer Dwarves ) | 4
Player won against Thorgal (Sorcerer Halflings ) | 2
Player lost against thorgal (Warlord Orcs ) | 5
Player won against El_Lobo Blackcat (Sorcerer Draconians ) | 3
Player lost against El_Lobo (Sorcerer Tigrans ) | 3
Player won against gladis BLACKCAT (Theocrat Dwarves ) | 4
Player won against Thorgal (Sorcerer Halflings ) | 2
Player lost against phirpo DreadReapr (Sorcerer Halflings ) | 4
Player won against Thorgal (Sorcerer Halflings ) | 2
Player lost against phirpo rrrrookie (Sorcerer Elves ) | 4
Player lost against Henrysix (Warlord Goblins ) | 4
Player lost against phirpo Thorgal (Sorcerer Halflings ) | 4
Player won against BLACKCAT gladis (Archdruid Goblins ) | 4
Player lost against keika (Warlord Humans ) | 2
Player lost against keika (Dreadnought Dwarves ) | 2
Player won against Old-Germany (Theocrat Draconians ) | 2
Player lost against Thorgal Fluksen (Archdruid Dwarves ) | 4
Player lost against Thorgal Old-Germany (Archdruid Goblins ) | 4
Player lost against Goh12 (Dreadnought Draconians ) | 2
Player won against Sbiht (Warlord Goblins ) | 2
Player won against BLACKCAT gladis (Theocrat Tigrans ) | 4
Player lost against Hiliadan (Sorcerer Draconians ) | 2
Player won against Old-Germany (Sorcerer Halflings ) | 2
Player lost against novograd (Warlord Dwarves ) | 2
Player lost against novograd (Sorcerer Draconians ) | 2
Player won against novograd (Warlord Tigrans ) | 2
Player lost against marcuspers (Warlord Tigrans ) | 2
Player lost against novograd (Sorcerer Draconians ) | 2
Player lost against novograd (Warlord Goblins ) | 2
Player lost against Skuns453Lirik902 (Sorcerer Halflings ) | 3
Player lost against Sin Arcain (Theocrat Dwarves ) | 2
Player won against DrLight (Warlord Humans ) | 2
Player won against DrLight (unknown unknown ) | 2
Player lost against Skuns453Lirik902 (Theocrat Dwarves ) | 2
Player lost against Sin Arcain (Theocrat Dwarves ) | 2
Player lost against novograd keika (Warlord Goblins ) | 4
Player lost against novograd (Theocrat Elves ) | 2
Player lost against Sin Arcain (Theocrat Elves ) | 2
Player won against DrLight (Warlord Humans ) | 2
Player lost against novograd (random random ) | 2
Player lost against DrLight (Theocrat Draconians ) | 2
Player lost against Sin Arcain Refineus (Sorcerer Draconians ) | 4
Player won against DrLight (Warlord Halflings ) | 2
Player won against Blad_ua (Sorcerer Draconians ) | 2
Player lost against Sin Arcain Refineus (Theocrat Dwarves ) | 4
Player lost against Blad_ua (Sorcerer Draconians ) | 2
Player won against DrLight (Dreadnought Draconians ) | 2
Player won against Skuns453Lirik902 Sin Arcain (Warlord Humans ) | 4
Player won against DrLight (Necromancer Dwarves ) | 2
Player lost against Blad_ua (Warlord Halflings ) | 2
Player won against DrLight (Theocrat Draconians ) | 2
Player lost against DrLight Jean_de_Metz (Warlord Halflings ) | 4
Player lost against DrLight (Theocrat Draconians ) | 2
Player lost against Blad_ua (Warlord Goblins ) | 2
Player lost against DrLight novograd (Sorcerer Draconians ) | 5
Player won against Refineus Blad_ua (Sorcerer Draconians ) | 4
Player lost against keika (Necromancer Tigrans ) | 2
Player won against Blad_ua (Theocrat Draconians ) | 2
Player lost against DrLight Sin Arcain (Sorcerer Draconians ) | 4
Player lost against novograd (Warlord Orcs ) | 4
Player lost against DrLight (Necromancer Tigrans ) | 2
Player lost against Refineus (Rogue Draconians ) | 2
Player lost against Blad_ua (Warlord Tigrans ) | 2
Player lost against mahimka (Theocrat unknown ) | 4
Player won against marcuspers Sin Arcain DrLight (Rogue Humans ) | 6
Player won against DacrioS (Warlord Dwarves ) | 2
Player won against Moridin Longinus Refineus DrLight (Archdruid Dwarves ) | 6
Player lost against Blad_ua (Archdruid Dwarves ) | 4
Player won against DacrioS (Archdruid Frostlings ) | 2
Player lost against keika (Necromancer Draconians ) | 2
Player won against DrLight Jaguer (Sorcerer Humans ) | 4
Player lost against Refineus DrLight Moridin (Warlord Frostlings ) | 6
Player lost against Refineus (Rogue Frostlings ) | 2
Player lost against El_Lobo (Sorcerer Orcs ) | 2
Player lost against Aim (Necromancer Draconians ) | 2

Match overview of player MARKYMARK

smile blink applause laugh kiss makenoise frown no annoy mad provoke bushwa <smiletext13> <smiletext14> <smiletext15> <smiletext16> <smiletext17> <smiletext18> <smiletext19> <smiletext20> <smiletext21> <smiletext22> <smiletext23> <smiletext24>
Profile entry of Warlord Keldon

Warlord Keldon wrote at 2015-11-26 13:17:05
tournament #16

Profile entry of Warlord Keldon

Warlord Keldon wrote at 2015-11-09 20:13:30
hy Mark, from Wednesday to Sunday, I will be cruising for a poker tournament, I do not know if I will have internet access, then ask you to suspend the timer turn, otherwise I will play Monday.

Profile entry of $eeR

$eeR wrote at 2015-08-16 20:07:17
whats password to your game

Profile entry of bbqsauceomgwtf

bbqsauceomgwtf wrote at 2015-07-24 17:02:28
Would be interested in a game if you have time, cliffhangerlife is my Steam ID

Profil Eintrag von BLACKCAT

BLACKCAT wrote at 2014-11-02 20:23:18
läuft was ??

No achievements yet

Gender: Male
Time zone: UTC +1:00
PSN ID: Markymark language setting: Deutsch
Last match in Age of Wonders 3:2022-09-15
Last action at: 2025-02-15 14:15:44
Contact   @ 
Player's team: Old-bf
Youtupe bitte fragen
Preferred communication channel: Skype,please ask
Games: CIV5, AOW3, CIV6
Hobbies:PC Games, Soccer, Scripting
Hobbies:Ask me, when you have questions about our page. You can contact me via PM
Age & birthday date: 50 | 1974-04-10
Name: Mark Flegler
Latest visitors: Nighty